Edge Striping and Displace - combining both and the resulting effects

In the discussion How would you create a fantasy port harbour there were some attempts to create water ripples around piles with the Edge Striping
Meanwhile I created some other patterns both for use with the Edge Striping
and Displace
effects to figure out what can be achieved by the combination of both effects.
Here is one result:
and here an other one:
The halv transparent circle represents the undisturbed object (pile)
How did you do these - these are just fabulous. can you share the striping effects?
Here is the .fcw for the "pile" with the "water ripples" and its belonging .png filters
Both filter images have to be copied into the ProgramData\Profantasy\CC3Plus\Filters\Images folder to make the map work properly.
The displace filter was generated in Gimp and converted to a normal map in Wilbur (I think you could have done this also in Gimp...) ...and as I use the german version of Gimp the filtername became also german - for me to remember how I created the image...?
The .png does not show up correctly in the preview - black should be transparent... The filter map is inspired by the one @Raiko posted.
The .png file above seems to loose transparency - here the .png as a ZIP file:
If someone is interested I can also post the .fcw for the island/beach/waves...
I'm interested. And thank you so much for posting this.
Here is the .fcw for the beach-islands...
It uses exact the same filter images as the pile with the water ripples...
@Ralf and @jslayton can somebody confirm that the effect
gives different result in the preview screen (while changing the parameters in the dialog box) and after pressing ok (confirming the parameters)? The first picture shows my preview on screen (using global sun) and when pressing ok I get the result as shown on the second picture...?Thanks so much for this - the first one worked beautifully.
I'll be taking a look at your FCW files later. I already spend far too much time messing with the water on my battlemaps - now I need to get a whole lot more OCD!