WIP: Bleakmoor Harrow - Continent of Estonisch

Hey all,

Working on a revision of current adventure map. My previous thread on this map revealed my refusal to allow the fractal draw tools to do their job. This results, usually, in causing me problems with export and slow redraw/refresh times, etc and so on. This all stems from my PS/Illustrator days when I could pretty much stick a node wherever I wanted ๐Ÿ˜ CC3+, after I defy it's provided tools, merely does this in response: ๐Ÿ™„. So, from here forwards, I promise to allow the prog to do what it's supposed to do. Anytime I find a tool that's a smooth poly, I'm gonna make a new tool frac version. So, on to the map:

So, I'm a huge fan of mixing styles. Here, I'm mixing JRrevised + Darklands + Spectrum + Ancient Realms. I dislike anything 'cartoonish', such as Mike Schley style. For the latter, I am in despair because as you know, Ralf, Dak, Ricko and others have made master maps using this style. I'll never give up, but for now, it's tabled.

What I dislike about this map: the trees are much more realistic than the other elements, which are much more 'painterly' (meaning, art that is more of a painted, rather than realistic style). This is my constant conflict with CC3+: too many cartoonish styles or, a dichotomy between these and a too realistic style). Don't mistake me: I love this program and, for the most part, I can easily do maps with the ease of PS or Illustrator. But I could wish for a more 'painterly' regional/overland style less cartoonish than Mike Schley's style (which I in no way mean to disparage). For these reasons, Ms. Sue's upcoming Bird's Eye style I await with all eagerness.

Please tell me how you would do the trees on the map you see above.


LoopysueRoyal ScribeMonsenRickoRyan ThomasC.C. CharronDakJuanpi


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