Anyone have the Llankmarh fcw?

So I can't even recall where I got this original Llankmarh .FCW from.

Really like this city and the map concept was cool. All the empty squares had separate .FCW geomorphs that you could add in and rotate to make the map really unique.

The problem is back in 2008 I wanted to do layers and reduce the buildings each layer to represent builings floors. Being a novice back then I stamped the copy selection a bunch of times since it was only outline and I thought it was doing nothing.

The drawing currently has 54 000 entities. I have managed to break them apart a bit. But still have stacks of duplicates on top of each other. So the best I have is a layer where there are 4 exact copies on top of each. 10 000 entities.

So does anyone have a fresh copy? I've gone through all my pc's and back-ups and all copies got messed up.

This has been a pet project for year where I started to but in house symbols, but I want to streamline the map and reduce unneeded duplicates.



  • After some protracted hunting online, the best I can find are some CC2 versions of just the geomorphs on this very old website. I can't seem to find this map in CC2, although it's almost certainly based on the old TSR module "Lankhmar City of Adventure", which came with non-CC2 versions of both this map (in more usable detail) and a separate booklet with just the geomorphs. I also stumbled upon a set of PNGs for the geomorphs (only - again...) on Box here. The first site just has GIFs as well as the CC2 options, but the PNGs may be more useful if you wanted to convert them to symbols.

    Otherwise, yours may be the only surviving FCW version of the whole city map available online!

    Don Anderson Jr.
  • I found a work around, but it wasn't perfect.

    With massive duplicates on top of each other I did the following.

    1 Explode function, just highlighted everything and exploded it.

    2 Right click Explode, line to path, highlight everything, Do It.

    3 Right click Explode, path to poly, highlight everything, Do It.

    4 Change properties, made everything line width 0.

    Went from 10 000 polys on that layer to 950. Some errors that I can probably fix by exploding it again and taking out those lines.

  • Why do I always take on these silly frustrating old map projects lmao.

  • Yes, I have the fcw's. How do you want me to send them?

  • email would be fine.

  • I checked around a few more places later, but still couldn't find this CC2 map, unfortunately. However, I did find a CC2 map of Nehwon, though only via the Wayback Machine archive here, in case that might be of use to anyone hunting for "Lankhmar" here in future!

  • Nice.

    Yea it's kind of unreal that a map just up and disappears. I may have gotten it from the Profantasy Gallery a million years ago, but maybe my brain is fuzzy. I am starting to think it was the original map for creating the TSR product.

  • I did check back through what survives of the old Profantasy Library too, but nothing came up on a search for "Lankhmar" or any other related keywords I could think of, unfortunately.

  • Checked Map Notes, no information there.

    Opened my oldest copies of the geomorphs from 1998 and no map notes either.

    I have the physical copy of that product somewhere. Lankmar City of Adventure. It was from 1985.

    So I don't know if that predates Campaign Cartographer or not. So maybe someone made it after the product was released?

  • The Wikipedia page notes the original version of CC first appeared in 1993, although it only mentions CC3, not CC3+, as being the current version (despite the page claiming to have been updated in August 2024 - but it IS Wikipedia, so...). The earliest review of CC2 on the main Profantasy site is from 1998, so I'd guess that was when that version was first published.

    My impression from some of the surviving online notes is that the geomorphs as CC2 versions were a fan-created thing. As nobody mentioned the CC2 version of the city map as well though, it's hard to know if these were meant to work with the physical map from Lankhmar City of Adventure, or the CC2 one.

  • The geomorphs are exactly from the product. So whomever did them, did an excellent job. (well that is what my brain tells me.)

    I need to find my book and look it over.

  • Well progress is slow hand doing the building poly's.

    They are crosshatched at the resolution where I am tracing them. So I can see the map underneath,

    I am at almost 3000 buildings at this point. The tough part of this is the way Lankhmar is drawn, many buildlings overlap other buildings. Probably be close to 4500+ buildings once I am done tracing them.

    Then the fun stuff can begin. Creating layers for 2 floor buildings, 3 floor buildings, 4 floor buildings etc etc. I think the tallest building in the city is 10 stories.

  • Doing things like this gives you a greater appreciation for the original hand-drawn artwork, and the artist.

    And after the building shapes and levels, there are the roofs and chimneys, not to mention the sewers (I've read the stories 😉 !)...

    Are you doing separate maps for the different levels across the city, or as layers in this one map?

    The comments I found online suggested everyone who did so was very happy with the geomorphs, so I'd guess they must be pretty exact to the originals. Will you end up redrawing these as well to fit with how you're drawing the rest of the map?

  • I think I am going to use the original geomorphs. Probably line them all up on the edge of the map so they can be copied and moved into the free squares.

    I am going to do everything with layers.

  • Finally copied all buildings to poly's.


    In the second image you can see how builings of this city overlap. I used a modifed hatch fill so I could see through them in my zoomed working view.

    The first few floors of the city are going to be tough as I delete certain poly's and create a smaller ground floor version...or no ground floor version for them. Some probably wont have the bottom two floors, as they look like they are stacked many floors high.

    A future project I am not looking forward to is lining up all the open blocks so the premade geomorphs fit in perfectly.

  • WyvernWyvern 🖼️ 233 images Cartographer
    edited January 20

    Won't that become confusing if some properties don't have ground and lower floors, only upper ones?

    It might be better to have all the ground floors shown, and maybe then an indicator method to illustrate how many floors there are above, rather than necessarily drawing them all out onto separate layers. That, loosely, is how the original City State of the Invincible Overlord maps (Judges Guild) were done - with the ground floor for every building, and the only indicator of any upper storey(s) being a staircase in the floorplan for each (which also seems to have been done in the TSR Lankhmar map, although these may be external stairs for some - maybe all - there; I'm only working from images). Some of the building descriptions for named properties in CSIO also suggested one or more upper levels as well, in the accompanying books, and such limited descriptions formed part of the accompanying TSR book for their Lankhmar map, I think.

    Are all the overlaps real, or are some artefacts of how the drawings have been separated, or maybe how the originals were drawn? Looking at the original map images, I'm not seeing anything like the same overlap problems on that at the junction of Carter and Festival Streets, for instance. I wonder if maybe the CC2 version was drawn just using simple coloured polygons that were superimposed above one another, so the connections looked OK, but the shapes weren't drawn exactly as the paper map showed?

  • I extrapolated some of the data from what I figured.

    Just recently rebuilt the color map from 8 scans. The color gives so much more detail, so that will help me clarify lots of issues. Getting the scales correct was a nightmare. It is off a few inches over 120 feet so not to bad

    Going to color code all the floor colors once I'm further along.

    Thanks for the idea of reading through the Lankmar material. I've had that book for 40 years, probably haven't read a paragraph in it for 30 years.

  • FrostyFrosty Surveyor

    I recall this map well I think it is somewhere upstairs in a box.

  • Incidentally, while digging around further online in regard to the original query, I came across this astonishingly high-res interactive version of the Lankhmar City of Adventure map here. It has overlays for a vast array of things, including the famous sewers, plus you can zoom a long way in before things become too pixellated, far more so than any other image online I've found so far. Still not a helpful CC2 version, but...

  • That's really nice, Wyvern! I use World Anvil as well - there's some great stuff there.

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