CC3+ migration from one PC to another

Ahoy all! Quick question today. Been working on a new PC build (Windows 11, my first time using it) which is finally done. The storage drives from my old PC (all except the OS drive) have been moved to the new PC, so all my files are present. Obviously the next step is simply to download and install CC3+ and my annuals. BUT... I had a lot of customized/changed drawtools, as well as several custom symbols anbd I want to be sure I'm remembering right for how to make sure I bring all those over.
For the drawtools, once CC3+ is installed on the new machine, I believe I can just copy the contents of Program Data - CC3Plus - System - Drawtools - (each style I need) from the old PC, to the same location on the new PC, and that should get me all my drawtools.
Now for symbols... IIRC it's a pretty similar process? I can just copy from the "Symbols" folders from inside the CC3Plus program data folder, and again overwrite those same folders on my C drive in the new PC, after installing CC3+ and all my annuals.
That sound right? Anything I'm missing or a step I'm forgetting when it comes to making sure I can just pick up where I left off with my maps? And while I'm here - are there any weird quirks with CC3+ on Windows 11 in general that I should be aware of? Thanks!
Yes, you can just copy stuff over from one CC3+ data directory to another, including symbols and drawtools and anything else in there. Just make sure you don't overwrite something you didn't intend to. But unless you have messed up your old data directory somehow, and you are running the latest update, most files should be the same anyway.
The only thing to be aware of when it comes to custom stuff, is the question if you made sure to always use relative paths. Of course, if the locations are exactly the same on the new PC it doesn't matter, but if they aren't, you may end up with some red X's if you have used absolute paths in your symbol catalogs and such.
ahh right right, I did forget about the whole relative vs. absolute path situation. I think some of my custom/imported symbols might have used absolute paths, so I'll have to keep an eye on that when setting things up on the new PC.
The mention of running the latest update gives me a bit of pause, however. I didn't think to check for this. I just looked and the CC3+ version on my old machine is 3.98. Is that the latest/current version? I can't remember where on the website I can see what the latest version is or where to download an update if it's needed...
Yea, 3.98 is the latest version.
Perfect! Thanks, I should be all set.