[WIP] The Mad Tea Party

I haven't done much with isometric symbols or Perspectives, but I decided to create an outdoor party scene inspired by the Mad Hatter's Tea Party from Alice in Wonderland. Still getting the hang of Perspectives and how to maneuver everything into the right spot. (Spent a lot of time trying to get the chairs in the right positions!)
I was going to make the toadstools as large as trees, but I thought they looked better sized like large bushes.
It's meant to be a birthday party, with tables of (unwrapped) presents off to the side.
Although Perspectives comes with great symbols for all sorts of food and all the silverware, I was surprised that I couldn't find glasses, goblets, mugs, (or tea cups and a tea pot), or other drinking vessels. Unless I missed them, I guess the guests will have to drink straight out of the bottle.
All I can say is WOW!!! That's taking the software in a completely new direction - as far as I know, anyhow.
@Royal Scribe "...Unless I missed them, I guess the guests will have to drink straight out of the bottle...."
Nothing wrong with that! Well, unless you insist on something mixed 😁
May I suggest drawing your own shadows on these objects...or try a wall shadow? Might help to 'ground' them a bit more. Your decision, of course.
Good idea. I had separate sheets for symbols with and without shadows. Some of these may have ended up on the wrong one.
I thought that there was glassware in one of the dungeon sets.
There probably are in some of the top-down dungeon sets, but there aren't as many symbols available in the Perspectives style.