Moon Islands


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    We must get you bored more often :)

    RickoRoyal ScribeQuentenGlitchMapjunkieroflo1Ryan Thomas
  • @Royal Scribe I found it in the Trash bin of my computer. This was the image used in Moon Islands.

    Royal ScribeScottALoopysueGlitchJuanpi
  • My friend,

    Your artistic brilliance is unstoppable! Just awesome artwork.


  • Thank you very much @Calibre .

    We are waiting for your maps, it's been a long time since you posted here.

    A big hug

  • Thank you, my friend. I am contemplating. I've a few going for my gaming group, but nothing I've put a lot of thought into. Stand by!

    Meanwhile, have you seen Dak's world map? Brilliant.


  • edited December 2024

    @Calibre Unfortunately, where I live, far from my original group, people play with "skins" and are too attached to rules, giving very little importance to Role Play (which for me is the most important thing in the game).

    I tried it a few times with them and didn't enjoy it much due to the different approach they give to the game. So, most of the maps I make or post are simply maps, without any intention of playing, except for those posted on my world map that is here on the forum.

  • Unfortunately, where I live, far from my original group, people play with "skins" and are too attached to rules, giving very little importance to Role Play (which for me is the most important thing in the game).

    That's very disheartening. Is online RPGing a possibility for you? I know a number of Discords that have such groups, for instance, and I'm sure you could find one to better suit your preferred style of play, and in a suitable setting. I realise this may be impractical, of course, and not everyone (including me) would be able to, or comfortable with, online RPGing like that.

  • Honestly, I've tried a few times. But it's not the same for me. Maybe I like - even more than playing RPG - being with friends, ordering pizza, drinking and laughing a lot. I feel the need for the physical presence of other players.

  • I fully understand that. Hopefully, your circumstances will allow you to get back to that before too long; it is not easy, I know.

  • I travel to Brazil every year and a half to two years, my home country and where my original group of friends from adolescence are, some of whom joined later. The short time I spend there, about two weeks, led me to write the stories (what I like to do most is as a DM) in a TV show format with a "season". Due to the lack of time, I cannot afford to change the entire story chapter by chapter. Normally, there are a package of 4 to 7 "chapters" in the season, obviously with a strong call for the next season.

  • The truth is that it's quite inhumane to go a year and a half or two years without a good RPG session, but that's what life has in store for me - at least at this moment.

  • edited December 2024

    We should form a gaming group here. I, too, have moved from my in person gaming group and it's disheartening to not find another in a new location. I also enjoy good roleplay and do not want to just "fight".....that's what Warhammer is for, which is great, but not ROLEPLAY. There are so many of us who love playing, and many who i read about not getting the opportunity. I'd be happy to start a group on say, Roll20. We can have alternating people DM, depending on time zones. It could be an open-world kind of game where, if you're available, you play, and if not, you don't. I've seen groups like that on Roll20 get up anywhere from 20-50 players playing at all different times. It could be video and voice, voice, or just texting in chat if that's what people were comfortable with. It would, however, have to be in English, so texting only would certainly be helpful for non-English speakers across the world. It would be a fun way for everyone to showcase their maps they've made with encounters in mind that never make it to playing tables or VTT. If this would be of interest, i can start an alternative thread to get an idea how many others would be interested in this. Let me know, and sorry for the thread hijack, but i find it very unacceptable that maps as beautiful and creative as Ricko's were not put in play of a good role playing game!

    RickoRoyal ScribeWyvernMonsenGlitchCalibre
  • edited December 2024

    I play mostly on Myth Weavers (an online forum designed for RPG) now through the main part of the year. I get together every year in October with a group of friends of 40+ years for a 4 day face to face session mixed with a lot of laughter, great food (we cook every meal together), drinks, and the occasional poker game. We're scattered across the U.S. now, but it's such a great time that some of the group make the 13+ hour drive and a couple of us fly in for it. This past October was the 18th annual "Cabin & Dragon - Spirits of LakeCon" gathering. For our 10th I got an architectural rendering of the cabin where we congregate and did t-shirts (first pic), and for our 15th we designed a logo (second pic). 'Cause, yeah 😁.

    We've jokingly talked about starting a distillery and branding "Cabin & Dragon" bourbon…

    I'd likely be up for an occasional VTT game! I don't have any subscriptions, but could maybe get one or I do have Foundry (which is a one time license rather than a subscription).

    Royal ScribeMonsenRickoWyvernGlitchLoopysueLoreleiCalibreJuanpi
  • Hey all,

    RE: RPG online group

    My Gaming Guild (consisting of varying members depending on the dictates of reality) meets every SAT and SUN. We use FGU and Discord and have a great time. I'm one of the GMs and, of course, make heavy use of CC3+ for all my maps. Other GMs use other methods. One GM even insists on Roll20, rather than FGU. Some players live in other states. We couldn't possibly do this round a table like the old days----though some of our members still do tabletop. Not sure of the appeal of that as I lost interest in the hassles of face-to-face tabletop years ago heh. But it's there.

    Count me in on any group forming for online RPGs!


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