Fractal Terrains 3 and FPS/Editing speed, is it the same as in demo?
Hello, I'm thinking of buying FT3 but while using the demo I noticed one thing that bugs me.
The editing speed of the terrain and the changes were incredibly slow to apply.
My PC is a rather powerful machine and it didn't even break a sweat when I attempted some rapid operations on terrain.
My question is: Does the full version have faster editing than the Demo? If so how much faster is it?
Thank you for an answer in advance :)
What version is the demo?
Unfortunately I cannot remember, it's been a long while since I had tried to use it. (I believe I tried around the end of 2021, however I'm not certain.)
I don't even have the download file anymore because I try to not hoard data, and I had to wipe my system fairly recently due to SSD failure.
The current version of FT (FT3+ version 3.5ish) is a 64-bit version of the software that came out at the end of 2021 and has some improvements in performance and capacity compared to older 32-bit versions. I'm not sure what the absolute difference in performance is, though. It is likely to be slower than you'd like, but it should scale pretty well with the number of processor cores available.
I see, My current CPU is a 6 core Ryzen 5 3600x, I had it even when testing these few years ago.
Is there any way I could get an estimation on how fast would it run?
Unfortunately, I don't have any hard information on the performance differences between the various FT3 versions.
The major factor for display refresh performance in FT is usually the number of pixels on the display. A 4k fullscreen FT3 window will be much slower than a window resized to take up less of the display, for example.
Remember that we have a 14-day satisfaction guarantee. If you are unsure of the performance on your specific system, purchase FT3+, give it a good test, and if it isn't performing adequately, you can simply cancel your order and get a refund.
Then if anything I will likely need to work on a smaller window, that's doable fortunately, Thank you for the information.
I wasn't aware of that being in place actually haha, When I get a chance I'll buy FT3+ and check out how well it performs.
Thank you both for your responses :)