OSR Dungeon Tiles - Quick Test

Hi Folks,
I'm looking to run DCC (Dungeon Crawl Classics) at some point. As it will likely combine F-2-F and online gaming I decided I'd make some OSR style tiles (in keeping with the general feel of DCC) for Maptool/Roll20. This is a quick sample. I need to soften the edges of the hatching a little with a small edge fade and add some detail to the corridor tiles - but overall, I'm happy with how this is turning out so far.
A little update.
Right. Another update. I increased the width of the hatching where possible. What do you think looks better, thin or thick?
I think it would depend on the floor, etc. you are trying to portray.
Both are great but I personally like the thicker hatching more.
What you see is what you get, Jim.
I've got to make a few other things; pillars, some different shaped rooms or room parts and so on. I've copied most of the symbols from the style to my Maptools resource folder so I can add the traps and what not in as neccessary and make sure they're hidden.
I'm leaning towards the thicker version myself but then the floor makes it look a little bit busy, I could use a transperency effect on the floor so it's not as "in your face" I s'pose...
Have you thought about leaving the hatching off entirely? You really only need it if there's nothing else to show what's solid and what's not, I suspect.
Hi @Wyvern,
Thanks for posting. IMNSHO, the hatching is an integral part of the style and what it's trying to emulate, so it will remain. Without it, I may as well just use CA12 - for an even older school vibe...
Added the transperency effect at 70% to the FLOOR layer and much happier now. This will do me!
Glad you'd got it sorted now!
Another small update and a question.
Firstly, the update. I added a glow effect to both the WALLS and FLOORS sheets for that little extra punch and depth. Obviously, can't do proper shadows because that won't work when I rotate the tiles. I also used the door symbol to cut the walls so I can add wall and secret doors and whatever where I need them, or leave them open as a passage - it's a compromise...
Secondly, the question. Each of these tiles are their own FCW file. How do I convert them into a symbol catalogue to build the map in CC3+?
Ralf covered creating tiles (wilderness ones in his example) quite recently in this live stream.
Thanks Sue,
I thought it would be much more difficult…`
Playing around with the style, not for the tiles, just for general use and came up with this to give a sort of hand drawn look.