The Human Diaspora c.3590 CE (WIP)

Very much a work in progress, but to avoid doing any writing to fix my writers block I decided to start mapping out the "world". I decided to lean into a retro aesthetic in the same vein as Alien and other sci-fi films of the 70s and 80s and I quite like the way that the glow effects help make it feel like an old CRT display.

I've got a bunch of systems I need to add, along with a scale and possible some more symbol variations, but from this point I think I'll add them in as I go so if plot requires a change in location I don't have to change too much on the map.

LoopysueMonsenRickoQuentenJimPjmabbottGlitchSteven Nentwig (Steven!)RalfRaikoand 3 others.


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