Fulnia - A Splittermond Map Conversion in Ferrari's Style

Wanted to try out Ferrari's Style and converted the Splittermond map of Fulnia, the former capital of Mertalia.
The style is a lot of fun, and it was also great to look at the scanned original Ferrari's maps.
Ferrari's does allow adding a lot of small scale details, so the map is best viewed as the large version in my gallery.
Thanks a lot for the great style @Loopysue .
Have a good start into the new week! :)
That's a really beautiful use of the style - a lovely map :)
One thing that I noticed, that you might fancy tweaking is that some of the roads are casting wall shadows, so they appear to be elevated - whereas the city walls aren't, so they appear to be flatter than those roads.
Yes, I agree with Raiko. You need shadows for the houses and walls, and none for the roads, or no shadows at all
Thank you.
Corrected the effects and fine-tuned a few bits.
Large version and link are also updated. I've increased resolution on the large version.