Tatilana - Western Sergeevna
This is a quick map made in the new Silverman style (thank you Dan), showing a civilized area of the focus region for our new world. Not many labels.
This is the area I got from my master map
This is a quick map made in the new Silverman style (thank you Dan), showing a civilized area of the focus region for our new world. Not many labels.
This is the area I got from my master map
This is the definitive style I am using for this focal area.
Forests etc, and text to be added, and kingdom borders to be added
A Male Sergeevnan, done with Character Artist, hue changed in Photoshop.
And the female. The race is supposed to have black hair, blue eyes and red skin, suitable for the tropics. Tall and slim.
Update. The style is getting more to what I want. I have altered the mountain contours, and added ethnic groups, plus national borders, some forests and a marsh, and some more names.
Sorry for the small text, but it is meant to be viewed at a larger canvas. When I have finished the text, I will put a 8Mb version in the gallery.
Further progress, with forests and marshes all added. no need to add other terrian - such as scrub abd farmland. and there are no deserts. I think the mountains to the east show snow covered ranges OK.
Feedback welcome, as always.
text to complete.
The Wallori (Dungidau Australian Aboriginal - each name means something in that language)
I am having fun with the names. Here is the Wallaroo (Aboriginal) land (the spelling in the map will be changed). The names are from the Dingadau language, in the district i used to live in when I loved near Brisbane. The language was written down by a white settler in the region who really loved the local aboriginal people there.
Mimburi means a bora ring - a sacred circle for dancing (corroboree); Imarbara means Blue gum, a tall straight gum tree with white bark.
There are three adventure areas, marked with an orange triangle - Gayae temple (Frog temple); Minyom Fort ( magical black stone Fort); and Birbi Caverns (boomerang Caverns).
The Rajali (Hindi) lands, with Midnadolya being a mixed race nation of Rajali and Sergeevnans (Ukrainian). The Hindi names mainly don't mean anything, but the Ukrainian ones do. Again, the adventure areas are mapped as orange triangles, and I will be doing maps for these at a later date.
The nation of Kedrova, a very jingoistic Sergeevnan land, paranoid about the intentions of its northern neighbour, Ruslana
There are ice giants, witches and dragons in the hinterland.
A female of the Rajali ethnic group - sort of Indian type culture, not identical. I am using Sue's Spectrum overland symbols as background
And her husband
And the last pair of ethnic groups in this region, the Wallaroo. First, the man - muscular and short, as are the women
And his lady wife
The last of the regions detailed - the republic of Ruslana. Mainly Slavic (Ukrainian, of course) names