Serial Number is Invalid (WWII Atlas)

Having just bought and registered the software, when trying to install the Standalone of the WWII interactive Atlas, it gives me this error. I have double, triple and quadruple checked (I may have checked it more than this even!) my serial number is the same as what is in the downloads page:
Suggestions? ☹️
Are you pasting in the serial number or typing it? If copy and pasting make sure you don’t have a space at the end of the serial number after you paste it in.
And if JeffB's advice doesn't help, you should contact support.
You don't really need the standalone version though as long as you have CC3+. Use the CC3+ installer, and have it nicely integrated....
Tried both multiple times.
Thanks Remy will do. I could use the cc3+ installer but would still expect the standalone to work. 🙂