What am I doing wrong when using "Change Fill Style"?

hsv216hsv216 Surveyor
edited September 2022 in Community Support


I have the below landmass, but when I do Change Fill Style, it fills in the lake / inland sea. I have tried to follow Ralf's video where he did the import from FT to CC, but his land mass did not have an inland sea or lake.

This is a landmass that I have brought in from FT3 and then done the copy and paste to a new instance, etc. Screenshots show before and after. I am just using crosshatch as an example, but does not seem to matter what style I use, it still fills in the lake / inland sea.

I just don't know what I am doing wrong, or why it is fillilng in the little lake, and then what I can do fix it! :)

Thanks in advance.


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