August Mapping Competition - Building Floorplans - Win Prizes

MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

Time for a new mapping competition. I hope as many people as possible can join in. Competitions are a great way of testing yourself and making something new. If you are short on time, pick something small and easy, participation is the main goal. And please compete even if you don't need the prize, competitions are more fun when many people participates.


So, the theme of this competition is building floorplans. More precisely, you will be making building floorplans for buildings in the city of Vertshusen from the Community Atlas.

The idea here is that you pick a single building and map it (or a few buildings if the other buildings belong to the main building, like outhouses, sheds, stables, etc, but the idea is to map a building, not a street or square view). The idea is to map the buildings from that map, so you are expected to keep to the general shape of the house you pick, but you are of course allowed to add additional details that are to small/insignificant to show up on the city map.

How to Participate

All you have to do is to make a CC3+ map of one of the buildings inside the city walls and post the exported images here (see below for map requirements and restrictions).

You are recommended to maintain a Work In Progress (WIP) thread showing your progress on the map, but this is no requirement, it's just fun to see the process. And it is still allowed to ask for feedback even if it is for a competition.

However, I do hope as many people as possible will also submit their competition entry to the community atlas. This is NOT a requirement to participate, but it is very much appreciated if you do. And to ensure people mapping for the atlas don't do the same building, I kindly ask you to reserve it first by simply claiming it in this thread. To claim it, simply edit the cropped image of the city below, mark your building clearly, and post the modified image. The claim belongs to the first one claiming it, don't wait for any confirmation of the claim. Of course, if you don't intend to submit your map to the community atlas, you don't need to claim a spot first either. And of course, when you are submitting to the community atlas, I also need the .fcw file. You can post this with your entry, or send it to me later.

Restrictions & Requirements
  • The map must be made wholly in CC3+. No pre or postprocessing.
  • Only artwork from official add-ons allowed, as well as the free artwork resources listed here. No custom symbols or artwork found elsewhere. (Edit: I realized after starting the competition that there was also a few links at the bottom of that page to other interesting art resources, but that are not properly integrated with CC3+. I won't change the competition rules midway through, but be aware that I cannot accept maps for the community atlas that uses these resources, only the resources listed int he first section - "Free Addons" - can be used for maps that go into the community atlas)
  • The building should be one of the buildings inside the city walls of Vertshusen. All buildings are up for grabs, numbered and non-numbered, but for the numbered buildings you are obviously expected to stick to what the label tells the building is, while for unnumbered you are free to make the place whatever you think fits
  • Your entry should be a single main building, but including buildings belonging to the main buildings like outhouses, sheds, stables etc is allowed. This means you can for example claim two buildings next by each other and say it is an inn and the connected stable for example, but you should not map several unrelated buildings. It is up to you how many floors the building will have, and it is up to you if you map all floors on a single map file next to each other, or if you use multiple files.
  • The building floorplan is the main objective, it's up to you how much focus you will have on the outside of the building (garden, street, corners of other buildings sticking into your area, etc)
  • Try to consider what the building located there would actually be/include. Probably won't be a farmhouse or windmill inside a city for example.
  • Keep in mind that the city map is in metric when measuring the size of the houses to determine the size of your floorplan. You're free to make your floorplans in either metric or imperial, as per your preference, just remember to convert the size if you use imperial.

Time Limit

The contest ends on September 1st, 23:59 UTC. All entries must be in before that limit to be eligible for prizes.


There are four prices available, in the following categories. Each person is only eligible for one prize, if the same name shows up multiple times, the prize continues on to the next in line. Same happens if someone declines their prize (like if you already own everything and don't have anyone in mind to give it to)

The top prize is a $50 store voucher provided by ProFantasy

Best Building - In this category, the best complete building is considered, with all floors. The building may consist of one or more map files, they'll be judged as a whole, and winner determined by community vote

Then we have three products gifted by Steve Smith. They are Cosmographer 3, Source Maps: Cities and Fractal Terrains 3. The winners of the following categories can pick their desired price from these three, pick order in the order listed below.

Most interesting floorplan - In this category, the winner will be the entry with the most interesting floorplan. This is judged per floor, not for the complete building. Judged by community vote.

Random Draw (x2) - We will also draw two random winners from the participants.

The Community Atlas

The community atlas is a collaborative world-building project. The city of Vertshusen is one of the cities in the atlas, and with this competition, we declare it the community city project for the atlas, which we are trying to map the floorplan for every building to flesh out the entire city. So please feel free to submit additional floor plans to this city at a later stage, also after this competition is done. Vertshusen vas chosen because it's size make it a realistic project to complete over time, and the map size ans style allows for individual buildings to be identified without resorting to district or street views.

Note that while Vertshusen is a community atlas city, you do not have to contribute to the community atlas to participate in this contest. Only people who submit their .fcw files will be included in the atlas, so you don't need to do anything in particular to not be included, but of course, we hope that as many participants as possible also contribute their entry to the atlas.

Good Luck!

LoopysueJimPRalfDaniel Pereda De PabloWyvernShessarRickoarsenico13[Deleted User]


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