Fractal Terrains 3 world generation

Is it possible to set global temperature, global rain levels etc at world generation? Or maybe to change them (globally) afterwards?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    You can't set it at generation, but you can set them via the global operations afterwards. (Tools -> Global Set)

    Alison Stevenson
  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker

    In the long ago times of Fractal Terrains and Fractal Terrains Pro (and 3), it took some command line parameters that let you specify the world information. Some of them might even still work.

    It was a way to get a little bit of integration of FT with other programs. Note that these are command-line parameters passed to the program at startup, not something you can enter while the program is running.

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    JimPWeathermanSwedenAlison StevensonKevin
  • 3 years later
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    Thanks Joe!

    Do you happen to have an example command line?

    Also, do you know if the FT3 software can be compiled for linux?

  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker

    I don't have an example handy at the moment, but I might be able to generate some examples of you tell me what you're trying to do.

    Ft3 is about the most generic win32 program you can find (the closest thing to exotic technology in there Is a bit of openmp for multithreading). I have been told that folks are successful with running it under wine on Linux and Mac. Your mileage may vary, of course.

  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker

    here are some examples of command lines:

    REM generate some closely-related worlds rendered as gaia. intended to show use of parms.

    "C:\Program Files\ProFantasy\FT3.5\FT.exe" -parms=123,40000,75,9000,-9000,2,0,10,10,10.0,1,1,1 -imgwidth=512 -image=c:\temp\mover0.bmp -colortype=8

    "C:\Program Files\ProFantasy\FT3.5\FT.exe" -parms=123,40000,75,9000,-9000,2,0,10,10,10.1,1,1,1 -imgwidth=512 -image=c:\temp\mover1.bmp -colortype=8

    "C:\Program Files\ProFantasy\FT3.5\FT.exe" -parms=123,40000,75,9000,-9000,2,0,10,10,10.2,1,1,1 -imgwidth=512 -image=c:\temp\mover2.bmp -colortype=8

    "C:\Program Files\ProFantasy\FT3.5\FT.exe" -parms=123,40000,75,9000,-9000,2,0,10,10,10.3,1,1,1 -imgwidth=512 -image=c:\temp\mover3.bmp -colortype=8

    "C:\Program Files\ProFantasy\FT3.5\FT.exe" -parms=123,40000,75,9000,-9000,2,0,10,10,10.4,1,1,1 -imgwidth=512 -image=c:\temp\mover4.bmp -colortype=8

    REM reset the world info to auto-calc for size

    "C:\Program Files\ProFantasy\FT3.5\FT.exe" -parms=123,40000,75,9000,-9000,2,1 -imgwidth=512 -image=c:\temp\normal.bmp -colortype=10

    REM gaia shader 1200x600

    "C:\Program Files\ProFantasy\FT3.5\FT.exe" -imgwidth=1200 -image=c:\temp\gaia.bmp -colortype=8

    REM 512x256 bump map suitable for shading purposes

    "C:\Program Files\ProFantasy\FT3.5\FT.exe" -imgwidth=512 -bump=c:\temp\bump.bmp

    LoopysueDon Anderson Jr.
  • I am generating a series of Traveller worlds and exporting in a png icosahedral projection with a size based upon the planets circumference.

    I can provide the world size in km/percentage water/average temp/max elevation etc.

    What I want to do is specify the worlds lighting and colour profile and specifying a script to run ie on a airless moon, I want to run a series of meteor strikes while a world with a hydrosphere would need to have rivers/fill basins etc.

    I can automate the creation of the scripts from Traveller data and use it in my games.

    Is what I am doing possible ? some of the command line parameters are not clear in what they do, nor does it appear to have a way to run a script.

  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker

    There is no way to run a script from the command line in an automated fashion, sorry. That's on the wish list, but I have no idea when there will be a new FT3+ version.

    The -color=filename will specify the FT .lgt file to load at startup.

    Which command line parameters need additional explanation? Mostly, they are direct inputs to the internal generation structures in FT, so some of them may be a little weird (e.g. the "Additional Data" items are the extra parameters to the fractal generation algorithms that normally aren't used).

    I do very much agree that this interface could use some extra attention, but so far it's mostly been sufficient for communication with AstroSynthesis and that was its intended audience. Let's just say that 1997 was a very long time ago and I've learned a bunch since then!

    Royal ScribeKevin
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