Darkland Overland Forest Question

So there are multiple types of forest and multiple sheets for each forest. However, I noticed that each terrain tool defaults to forest shadow for the sheet instead of each individual forest type. Further, all of them use the same color polygon. The trees are all rendered on the symbol sheet

I am assuming that this is incorrect. So what should the color polygon be for each forest type? I just want to get this set correctly and then move everything to the appropriate sheet.


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    No, it's perfectly correct.

    The forest drawing tools in the published version all draw much better forests than I had designed.

    If you check the fills you will see that there are 5 forest textures I made. Originally, I also made 5 forest drawing tools that used those textures, placing each one on a sheet of its own to allow them to be blended together using Edge Fade Inner on each one.

    The drawback to this technique is that even though you can draw whole forest worlds really quickly, every edge has to be carefully decorated with single trees to bring the forest to an end. There is a small example patch of textured forest in the example map I made.

    So this is more a case of the artist designing things one way, and the publisher realising there is a much better way of doing things, while leaving the artists original sheets and textures in situ to allow people to chose how to do their forests.


  • Hey @Loopysue, I think that this could be simplified using the drawing tool Draw ->"symbols along" on the perimeter of the texturized area and then delete those unwanted? A quick test lead to:

    I think that playing a bit with symbol size, overlapping and position (front rear) could do a good job...

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Well done :)

    It works to a point, but it looks better if you put the ones that go around the top of the shape on a symbols sheet underneath the terrain fill. That's what I did with the example map. It's a bit fiddly, though.

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