Festive Winter Card Challenge WIP: Ensamheten

As per the call to arms, here's my contribution-in-the-making.

There's a village in Sweden called Ensamheten - (the) Solitude. There's also a children's book called "Viktor builds a bridge" - in which the protagonist (a man on an island) decides to connect with the mainland by building a bridge. He lives to regret the decision.

Not sure it's accessible by boat only, but I rather like the idea of whoever lives in the cottage on the left side of the map - where there will also be woods - gets the occasional visitor (enough to keep the route clear)) but do not themself own a vessel.

We catch them, I think, at a time when there are no guests. Perhaps they are inbound, expected - in keeping with the season.

Or it's just the calm before the Norsca raiding party.



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