Phoinikia Spelaia

Hi, everyone. I've been away some time, busy at work, but I finally found some time to go back to CSUAC2. This is Phoinikia Spelaia, the Phoenix cave, where elves and knights hid the last copy of a knightly grimoire under the protection of the god Habbakuk, in the D&D Dragonlance setting. Mostly CSUAC2 with finishing touches of Photoshop. Enjoy!
What kind of finishing touches do you leave for Photoshop?
Thanks! ;) In this kind of map, the frame and the parchment, though they can be made in CC3+ as well if you take the time. I just use PS because I already have the process mostly automatized there.
Thanks for the interest. The way I create those frames is an adaptation of Pär Lindström's beatiful tutorial here:
I'm currently trying to adapt it to CC3+, I hope I'll have something to show soon.
The font is JSL Ancient, a free ink-on-parchment looking one that is included on some Annuals, I think, but also easy to find online.