Text Size and Symbol Color Issues - User Error and work around

I was entering text and symbols onto my map.

I completed placing the names using the TEXT tool for cities. I then added two points of significant interest for me, as sort of Easter Eggs, and changed the size of the text and all the text symbols changed size as well.

At the same time, I imported a symbol catalog to get Overland Symbolks into the SS3 Modern Political map and they came in brown and they stay brown no matter what color I try to make them.

I have not seen either of these before.

Any thoughts?




  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited May 2020
    What do you mean that the text symbol changed size? Are you referring to new one you place, or the ones already in your map? And how did you change the text size?

    As for the symbol catalog, what symbol catalog was that? Are you sure those symbols are varicolor at all? And what do you mean by "importing" a symbol catalog? Just opening it using the open symbol catalog button, or?
  • edited May 2020
    Edit: I stand corrected. The text size did not change. It just looked markedly different after I zoomed out after input the text.

    Insofar as the Brown Color.

    Yes, I opened it using the button on the upper right of the symbol display from C:\ProgramData\Profantasy\CC3Plus\Symbols\Modern\Overland\Overland.FSC

    I've used this many times and it always changes color to whatever the selected color is on the top. I have changed the color after it was placed by selecting the symbol with the Edit Properties Button, then selecting DO IT, change the color, push OK and it goes to the desired color.

    Edit: I closed my map, restarted CC3, made a new project, and opened the symbol cataloge above and it came in black. Changed the color on the menu bar to Red and the symbols changed, then to blue, then back to black.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited May 2020
    The symbols from that catalog doesn't support changing after they are placed, you need to pick the color before placing them.

    Vector symbols in CC3+ comes in two different varicolor versions. You have simple varicolor, which only support one variable color, and shaded varicolor, which supports several different colors (shades of the selected color). Unfortunately, due to their complexity because of the multiple colors, shaded varicolor symbols work a little different than normal varicolor symbols, once they are placed down, their color is fixed and using change properties on them doesn't really do anything, while simple varicolor symbols retain their varicolor ability and you can change their color using change properties.

    The symbols in that catalog are of the type shaded varicolor. Other catalogs, like the CA53 catalog in the same folder (If you have it) uses simple varicolor and can be changed after placing.
  • And now another update.

    I reloaded the original map. The symbol display still showed brown. For no reason at all, I made the symbol display take up most of the work space (expanded it). Noticed the symbols in question were now Green. Changed them to black, then red, then blue, then back to black.

    Attempted to change the color using the Edit Properties Button which did not take effect.

    Deleted the symbols on my map that were brown and replaced them with the green ones.

    Very strange.
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