Inserting images in drawings

I'm having problems inserting images in drawings. I can't seem to get CC3+ to insert the image in the correct size.

I have an image that's 3060px x 3960px in size with a scale of 6px/ft giving the map a size of 510ft x 660ft.

I created a map that's 510x660 but when I try to insert the image it is always bigger than the map frame. To be certain to insert correctly, I use the End Point function and use the corner end points of the map border. It always end the image below the bottom of the border as per the attached image.

What is the trick to get it exactly within the map border?


  • Select the image, hold Ctrl and resize it.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited April 2020
    You seem to be targeting the outside of your map border, which is what is messing with your dimensions. When you make a map of a certain size, it is the size inside the map area that is the given size, not the outer edges of the border. And since the border is the same size all the way round, unless you make a square map, the aspect ratio of your mapping area will not be the same as the aspect ratio including the decorative border, which is why your image doesn't fit.

    Personally, I recommend just turning on cursor snap when inserting the area, and make sure to use the inside corners. You can of course do the same thing usiing the endpoint (or intersection) modifier.
    Or, a third option is to type the coordinates on the command line instead of using your mouse. The first coordinate should always be 0,0, and in your case, the second is 510,660
  • Monsen, the third option is what worked for me except the coordinates were 0,660 and 510,0. I'll be using this in the future.

    Thanks for the help.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited April 2020
    Well, those are just two different corners (top left and bottom right), instead of bottom left and top right I gave you. Both should give the exact same result (once you have typed both pairs, it will look slightly different in the middle of the process). CC3+ only want two opposing corners to define the area. Main thing is just use what you feel works best for you.
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