Old map of Iron Haven (John Roberts style)

A few people have seen this map already but I thought I would post it again since the John Roberts style is now available to everyone. This is an example of what you can do with it. Iron Haven is a city I was working on for a proposed campaign. I might build a campaign just around this city independent of the world I am working on now. As you can see it is laid across a wide river and a lot of industry appears to be going on.

That's a very pretty map
Yours have a different purpose. They wouldn't work properly if they weren't made the way they are, and they are just as beautiful in a different way
Having sniveled about all of that, I am usually pretty happy with my finished products and the terrain they represent. And people buy my games/maps, so there is a slight reward.
The textures tiles kills it, imho. If i decide to spend some time on this style, id change all the textures.
The textures tiles kills it, imho. If i decide to spend some time on this style, id change all the textures.</blockquote>
I have considered doing that myself. I think the textures in this map, if you are talking about the land textures and background, are a balance between the bitmaps you might see from one of the vector type styles vs. the more photo like textures you see in the battlemap offerings. But I might be mistaken about what you are referring too.
Maybe ill try it later.