First Map Using CC3+

Hi everyone, I just purchased CC3+ a few weeks ago and created my first overland map for a DnD campaign. As a novice and very green map maker, I am always looking for feedback. Here is my version of Hartsvale where I have many locations on the DM Layer so I can hide them from the player version of this map.

Great first map.
That river of yours running out in the north do look a little bit wide though. Based on your scalebar, it is about 10 miles wide, which is wider than even the Amazon river at it's widest.
I just have one question. Why your river gets thinner as it flows?
Hi Monsen, the scale bar was originally 50 miles matching the source map I used as a trace below. I felt that the travel time to the locations might be too quick, essentially 2 days to cross the vale from the castle to the keep. I like longer travel times as a DM as I can fit in more encounters along the journey. But I see your point, the river is exceedingly wide at that scale.
Mateus090985, I was thinking as the river starts feeding the lake, it would slim down a bit as it branches off running from North to South.
The image in this wiki article shows the surrounding area.
Congrats for the lovely map
The idea that a river slims down after feeding a lake is flawed, unfortunately. In most cases the river just fills the lake basin and then continues as wide as before. Often times wider as lakes tend to have several inlets. Exceptions can of course happen, usually with shallow lakes in hot climates that evaporate a lot of water.
Well done, jacolantern!
I've mapped this area of the Forgotten Realms myself, so from first seeing it, I knew exactly what it was showing. As it's a close-up segment of a much larger area, logically it can, and does, contain things that might seem confusing without access to that broader perspective.
Possibly a stream or two could be added - the FR segment map shows a stream coming from the SW to meet the main river at the confluence with the river out of the Lake of Fiefs, for example - but that's down to mapper's/GM's choice!
[And I shan't mention the battle I had to get the Effects in a different mapping style to look right, to make that dratted sunken valley with its edge escarpments!]
@Wyvern, I was debating about adding in that extra river as you mentioned, and possibly another one from the southern spires feeding the Lake as well separating the swampy area from the forest. FYI, the swamp is caused from a Black Dragon who has taken residence at that ruined keep for my campaign anyways. I would love to see your version of the map and see if I can get some inspiration and learn a few things. And your absolutely right, the edges were a learning experience and I could still do some more work on them.
The full map covers most of northwestern Faerun from the Reghed Glacier west as far as Luskan, south to the northern tip of the Mere of Dead Men, and east to the western edge of the High Ice and Frozen Sea. Oh and that misty blue line shows the southern permafrost limit. Map style is Herwin Wielink, incidentally.
Morning! Any chance to update de picture of the Hartsvale map? There is nothing of official locations besides Castle Stagwick. Thanks in advance, love the work, but missed most of it.
Not sure which map of Hartsvale you're meaning here @JavaPisci , but I think you may be out of luck anyway, as Jacolantern hasn't visited the Forum since May last year, and I haven't worked on my old Forgotten Realms map in years. As I'm heavily committed to mapping for the Community Atlas project, there's little chance I'll be returning to it any time soon. Sorry!
dang this was a while back and awesome maps.. was searching around for something to use as a base to do Drill down maps like Java did of the North though I was planning on staying mostly in the Ice.
@Frosty: I don't think there's much available as a base map beyond what's been officially released by TSR/WotC down the decades, unfortunately, for the north of Faerun. I know when I was working on my map (ye gods - seven years plus ago!), I struggled to find anything useful for features among the ice, and most of that was from the earlier Forgotten Realms books from the 1980s. There's a little more for the near-coast region now (Ten Towns region and surrounds), at least. That does mean that much like jacolantern, you can go ahead and add/invent whatever you wish though.
yeah the style I messed with last night which I think was Fatansy reimagined had a few cool symbols tundra but it felt limited