Community Atlas, a dungeon city
🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
Well, nothing much here actually. Jolly good, onward !
My plans are to make a Ferraris type town above, with at least one way down into the dungeon city. The dungeon city will be an isometric one using Sue's first annual CA146.
I would like suggestions on where to place it in the Community Atlas.
Okay, this is just a bare minimum sketch... but I hope to work on this as time goes by.
My plans are to make a Ferraris type town above, with at least one way down into the dungeon city. The dungeon city will be an isometric one using Sue's first annual CA146.
I would like suggestions on where to place it in the Community Atlas.
Okay, this is just a bare minimum sketch... but I hope to work on this as time goes by.
What is 'broken ground'?
The Ferraris Style is a top view style, while the isometric town annual is isometric. Its not always easy to marry top view and isometric view styles together, so you might find it easier to split them into 2 separate maps?
Broken ground is rocks. Chasms, etc.
The walled city will be the iso city annual and the ruins will be the two dungeon iso symbols.
But right now its just a layout idea that might change. Its possible this dungeon city will take more than one map, or it might be just one map.
But if that what it takes for you to carry out this project, then no fish for you. hehehe
Anyway, rough weather came through, now gone, so I waited to boot up my computer.
Maybe a map by Monday. We shall see.
There is a passageway in the upper right. Easier to see on the 2,000 pixel export, not so well on this 900 pixel version.
Yes, the symbols are on top of the map border, I may change that.
Cage on the right side is named 'The feeder'.
Pile of bones on the upper right of the cloudy water must mean some being leaned over to see what was in the water.
Pile of rocks room, there is a connection over to the wooden ladder and rope bridge, its about 2 feet wide and has easy access to the water. And whatever is in the water has easy access to any thing on that walkway.
I think I'm beginning to see how you will fit this together, though you may find that the isometric town symbols, being city symbols rather than dungeon scale symbols, have a much lower resolution than the bit you've done so far.
First map is me trying to correct it and add supports for stairs down to a room not done yet on that map.
Second map is what it was just before I realized my mistake.
I looked under Symbol Manager, each symbol, then options, I don't see a way to move them to the correct sheet.
Trying to select them by hand in an iso map is very difficult. I may just back back several versions and start over various bits. Its future users of the fcw files I want this to be correct for.
Anyway, here they are.
After some fumbled attempts to fix it, I just went back to an earlier version of the map and started the right hand bottom corner, and the center, over again.
Since I am going to have to sit down and sketch out some ideas out for the Fort, I'll be working on this map for a day or two. Or taking a break. I sit too much, but its pouring rain outside.
The fog and floor plan are going to be modified, but this is a good start.
Not this time. If there is no wall, or low level piece, then its a drop off. The amount of the drop off, depends on the referee.
Clouds/fog left off so you can see details.
Or is it just that someone's left the lid off the burning barrel again - oops, sorry "teleportation gate" ?
However, my home players' characters would not blithlely just walk into the fog and expect the floor to be there.
I was kidding earlier about home players.