Kaerolin Manor, Floors FB1 - T6


Here are all the levels of Kaerolin Manor. I have elected not to add a key, but simply provide a written description for the floors as the rooms' symbols should be enough clue as to what each room's purpose would be.

Floor 1:

A fine paving stone drive leads up to a marble entrance walkway flanked by gilded columns leading into spacious front entry with polished tile flooring and dual staircases leading to the second floor. The overall ceiling height in the first floor is 15'. To the right of the entrance is an informal sitting area leading to a library which is open to the second floor - book shelves from floor to ceiling on the interior wall with ample reading light spilling in from the generous windows.

To the left of the entry is a more formal seating area/drawing room for receiving very important guests and after dinner conversation with the dining room further to the left.

The two suites to the southwest are the King's Suite and the Queen's Suite, each generously proportioned and attired.

The kitchen and lower servants' quarters, including the pantry and laundry, are located to the southeast of the entry. The house's garden is just outside and well-tended.

The first floor of the Wizard's tower provides for some arms/armor storage (the main armory being located in the barracks).

After dropping off visitors and guests, the carriages may proceed easterly along the rest of the drive to the carriage house, which accommodates the manors' horses and carriages. A covered walk leads folk to and from the manor house, with a mud room just inside the manor.

The central garden features a fountain and two small pools, and proceeding further into the manor leads to the Grand Gallery - which is open to the second floor and paved with polished tile reflecting the front entry.

Proceeding out of the manor one finds the marble portico which leads to the low-walled formal garden featuring reflecting pools and a large central fountain. Well-maintained grounds provide serenity for those who wish to take a turn about the garden.

Finally, there is a barracks on the grounds. The first floor features double bunks, a large fireplace, and a place for the soldiers to eat, etc. Just what soldiers need and not much more!


Floor 2:

The second floor features 12' ceilings, just a little shorter than the first floor's 15' grand height.

The inner courtyard & garden is surrounded by a portico deck, open on the inside the garden below so anyone taking a turn on the deck can enjoy the sounds of the fountain below, as well as the view from above. The Grand Gallery is visible from the deck, and the garden beyond can be seen through the generous windows, offering tremendous views as one walks about the deck. Twin spiral staircases lead down to the Grand Gallery and points beyond.

Suites to the southwest of the inner courtyard are available to the offspring of the Lord and Lady of the manor, and visitors' suites are just across the way.

Servants quarters continue, and are a little more nicely appointed than those below, with a "master" suite set aside for the head of the servants.

Several well-appointed guest rooms are located to the front of the manor.

The second floor of the Wizard's Tower contains a couple looms, etc., for weaving and sewing - making/maintaining the manor's tapestries, clothing, etc.

The stablery's second floor provides generous storage for hay and fodder for the horses, as well as storage for any of the vegetables, grounds maintenance equipment, etc., as required by the staff.

The second floor of the barracks provides quarters for the upper ranks through the leading rank officer in charge.


Floor 3 (The Attic, and Tower floors 3-6):

The Attic space is generously large in this home, which leaves plenty of room to, well, store things, perhaps even forget things... The ceilings are sloped to follow the roof line, and as a result generally vary from around 3' at the edges to soaring in the centers. Columns provide supports for the roofing. There are simple cots here for the lowest of the staff.

The 3rd level of the Wizard's Tower is the workshop - with a gate that goes to a far away land, or maybe not, as the wizard so chooses!

The 4th level is the Wizard's Library.

The 5th level are the Wizard's general living quarters.

The 6th level is the rooftop of the tower, complete with a magic device for the Wizard's use.



Beneath the barracks we find a few cells for unruly folk, and perhaps for those that just need a timeout now and then. In the center there is a training area for the manor guard - keeping in top shape and honing fighting skills is the order of the day when not on duty or otherwise occupied! This area also serves as the armory for manor, housing the majority of extra weapons/armor that the soldiers would need aside from their assigned gear.

Beneath the kitchen pantry we have a root/wine cellar, that also serves to store extra sundries, etc., for feasting and so on.

Beneath the Wizard's tower is yet another storeroom - accessed from above by the operation of a secret floor panel revealing the stairs down.

A further secret door leads to the manor's emergency water supply - a fresh spring fed pool (clever plumbing allows the excess water to drain well away from the manor).

The northern most door in the cistern chamber leads to a larger emergency supply storage chamber. Only goods, etc., that can remain stored for great periods of time are kept here in case of some sort of turmoil in the manor above.

The eastern door leads to a burial chamber for important notables of the manor, some recently passed, and perhaps one or two that aren't so recent.


[NOTE: I purposely didn't describe the "secret" areas - I think they're rather self-explanatory. ;) )

Thanks for looking, commenting, etc.!!!



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