New Guy Mapping

Ok looking for tips tips from some vets here. I posted a map earlier got some feedback and tips on how to scale it right for a world size map that I want to use to make smaller continent maps to country maps to area maps etc. (So I can keep hex scales accurate etc. I wanna do this right one step at a time so I don't have to go back to the top and make a ton of changes. So here's my world size map b4 labels etc. Any tips or advice before I move on? What should my next step be? (I'm guessing it's mark off a continent, crop and trace it for a new to scale map and start adding details via symbols, smaller rivers etc?) Some guidence from those who have been through the world process would be appreciated.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Now, with the map scaled correctly, keep these things in mind:
    - Always remember the size of the things you are working on, it is often easy to loose sight. For example your continent in the bottom right corner is about half the size of the continent of Africa on Earth. However, even if your continents are smallish compared to earth ones, that is still a REALLY HUGE area. Consider that when adding details.
    Remember, you can always use the measurement tools from the info menu to measure things in your map, this really helps keep things in perspective
    - When you make higher details maps (such as the continent maps), make sure to keep the current scale, don't cale the landmasses up or down.

    For the current map:
    - You could probably add a few more details to it, especially some symbols. Keep in mind that a symbol is intended to show what is there, and not being an accurate scaled representation of the feature.
    - Your effects are really weird. I recommend you reset them to default (Simply re-select the Overland CC3 setting from the effects preset setting)
  • Sorry about the whispers. Didn't know that. Thought it was just a way to tag the commentor.

    Not sure how to "measure correctly" on such a large scale nor how to copy everything in the cropped area. Seen a video where a frame was inserted then a lot of trimming etc was done.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    For your case, when you want to copy the entire continent to a smaller map, all you have to do is to copy the continent to the clipboard and paste it into the target map. Trimming is only needed when you only need part of a landmass. Full tutorial.

    As for measuring, all you have to do is to use the distance tool in the info menu to measure between two easily recognizable points on the source map on (preferably on opposite sides of the landmass), and then measure between the exact same places in your destination map. If the numbers comes up equal, the scale is correct.
  • Ok so in your example do you make a box around the are you want to cut and measure the box so you get the numbers for your new map? Also I cannot seem to open two screens . Whenever I click open it asks if I want to save the other window and then closes it.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Yes. The box is a visual aid to help me see exactly what I am bringing with me, and helps me determine the size of the new map.

    To get to instances of CC3+, just start a new instance form the start menu/desktop icon.
  • Thanks. Just go back to desk top and start another. Got it. Followed your copy tutorial and worked pretty slick. Except I had a hard time making the land mass trace "stick" to the border frame on the land filled side. Figured I'd just delete a lot of nodes to make him go into place. (Tons of nodes and the outline separated from the land making it even more.) The other tricky part was my curved contours hanging out from behind border frame. Are there easy tricks to wrangling these?
  • Greg, I also noticed that when you turn effects on, all your CONTOURS WORLD disappear. This is because of the effects setting of Edge Fade, Inner. Can I suggest you try Edge Width as 0.5, and set to Percent of Drawing Widths Extent. Then tinker with the values from there.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    To get rid of polygons with parts outside the map border, I usually just use Break image and/or Split image to remove the unnecessary parts, and then join up the polygon again with path to poly. If a corner was involved, you also need to add a node in that corner, using Insert Node image to ensure the edge follows the border and don't just run the diagonal between the cut points.
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