Zoom buttons broken on one map file only

Hi all,

it's me again lol. I was really hoping to finally be able to share something with the community but I appear to have run into yet another weird issue with CC3+ that is preventing me from going further. This time, I've got a problem with the zoom menu, but only on a specific map drawing I'm working with.

The zoom menu on the right hand side of the program no longer appears to work, outside of the redraw button. I can zoom out using the mouse scroll wheel, but I'm not able to zoom to extents, execute a zoom window, or zoom in one tier using the + or - magnifying glass buttons. Clicking the buttons doesn't do anything at all, except for the zoom window button which lets me draw a zoom window, but doesn't actually perform the zoom.

I'm not sure if this issue is related - though it could be - but when I try to place a symbol, I get a "ghost" symbol that freezes on my drawing screen. What I mean by this is that when I place a symbol, I get a transparent outline of it that's attached to my cursor, so that I can place it and see it where it is in relation to the rest of the drawing. Now, whatever that symbol is freezes on my screen in the point where my cursor moved from the symbol menu to the drawing screen, and it doesn't go away until I hit redraw.

The weird thing is is that this command is broken only on one map file. If I open any other project, including when I try to copy all the entities from this map over to a new map file, the zooms all work fine, and the symbols all behave correctly still, too. There's nothing theoretically stopping me from just taking that map file and working from there, except that a lot of the entities are no longer stacked correctly and redoing them back to the order they were supposed to be in will be a massive job, so if at all possible I'd like to salvage this file.

I have restarted the program at least a few times and restarted my computer, too, but the problem persists. Would anyone be able to offer any advice?

Thanks in advance!


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Sounds like the map file might have been corrupted in some manner.

    Try starting a brand new map in the same style, and then use Draw --> Insert File to insert the old one into the new one. Hopefully, the entity order will be better than when just copying the entities (You may need to reorder the sheets though, and if you had customized effects in the map, you can either save them as a setting in the old map, and then activate this setting in the new one, or copy them over using the clipboard.). I can't promise this will help, but it is worth a try, and shouldn't be very time consuming to test out.
  • edited October 2019
    That helped somewhat - it did copy over all the sheets, at least. Thanks!

    I remembered after I did this that I had run a back up this morning after I had done the bulk of my work for today, so I managed to restore the file from there and it managed to get me back everything except for the legend that I was working on. I still have it saved in the new map in the same style, so I copied it over, but for some reason the text - all of it - was white. Is there a way to restore the original colours of the text at all? I know I can do the multi property edit, but - and I'm also asking this for reference if, heaven forbid, this becomes an issue again - there were hundreds of text entities in at least a dozen colours, so the issue is not as simple as hiding all the layers/sheets except for text and mass selecting everything that remained.

    The first image attached is an example of what I have now, the second one is what there was before.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    No, none that I know of at least. The color is supposed so stay with the text when you copy it over, color is one of the base properties of every CC3+ entity after all, but if that was somehow changed, then entities don't store their "old" color.

    What I would try is to copy over individual sections of that text at a time. Perhaps there is something wrong with on (or a few) of the text entities and that causes problems, but perhaps the rest would transfer fine? Again, just a thought, I don't know if this will help, but generally, a methodical approach helps narrow down the problem.
  • That did the trick! I managed to restore the last bit of missing progress and now I'm back as though nothing had ever happened. Thank you so much for your help!
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    You're welcome. Glad everything turned out reasonably well in the end. Happy mapping.
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