Thoughts on Dungeon Painter Studio?

Has anyone played around with Dungeon Painter Studio yet? I bought it on Steam a few months ago.

It's very user friendly . . . BUT of course it doesn't have all of the functionality of CC3+ (at least not yet). I can't make gloomy torchlit dungeons. In a pinch I can see it would be a handy tool.


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited September 2019
    Other than Profantasy software and highly specialised tools like texture editors, or software I've been given, I only use free bitmap editors as a rule - mostly GIMP, so no, I haven't.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Haven't heard of it. I use CC3+ exclusively.
  • MedioMedio Surveyor
    edited September 2019
    Pros: very user friendly (not as CC).
    Cons: very limited (not as CC).

    Tbh i´d only use it if i didnt have CC and wanted to make some fast dungeon/battle maps. That´s all. I think it can compliment well Wondedraft or Inkarnate as a "fast and limited" map creation.

    If im honest, id love to "drawn" and edit items in the map as easy as on these products in CC. With CC edition ofc. Sometimes the CAD nature of CC goes agaisnt my artist soul ;).
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Maybe you mean your preference for certain techniques, Medio?

    An artistic soul can do art with anything that comes to hand ;)
  • MedioMedio Surveyor
    What i mean is that i use to prefer to "draw" or doing mouse work rather than using commands and an sometimes akward way of what should be lets call it "easy" procedures, as editing forms, adding textures, blending, etc... i cant get enough comfortable with the way of CC3 for doing things.

    Ofc im not as talented as you who can bring art at any sort of technique :)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Oh believe me, I also have my favourite techniques - who doesn't ;)
  • <blockquote><cite>Posted By: Loopysue</cite>Oh believe me, I also have my favourite techniques - who doesn't ;)</blockquote>

    Uh, that would be me. I've been an engineer of various sorts my entire life (well, since about four anyway) and that's how I think. For that reason, I love how CC does things, and it makes a whole lot of sense to me. But deciding what to make it do? I get stuck. I can (and do) whip up some technical masterpieces showing various kinds of system layouts - Visio is my tool of choice, but I also did some way back along time ago to initially learn some basic CC. But the beautiful imaginative stuff I see here? There's no way. I can't seem to just 'put' stuff down in what appears to be random fashion. The mountains, the rivers, the forests, the grasslands.. All have to make sense as to why they're there, and anytime I start thinking about it, I decide I don't know enough about plate tectonics, global hydrology, atmospheric dynamics, metallurgical distribution, iterative soil generation, and etcetera.

    The last 'fantasy' map I did, I put a giant paper garbage bag on the floor and flicked water out of my coffee cup at it, then traced around the blobbles to make my continents. Eventually I worked at a place that had wall-mounted SmartBoards amd I digitized it.

    One of these days I will have to finish writing up what it needs to look like so I can give someone else money to create the masterpiece..Uh, that would be me. I've been an engineer of various sorts my entire life (well, since about four anyway) and that's how I think. For that reason, I love how CC does things, and it makes a whole lot of sense to me. But deciding what to make it do? I get stuck. I can (and do) whip up some technical masterpieces showing various kinds of system layouts - Visio is my tool of choice, but I also did some way back along time ago to initially learn some basic CC. But the beautiful imaginative stuff I see here? There's no way. I can't seem to just 'put' stuff down in what appears to be random fashion. The mountains, the rivers, the forests, the grasslands.. All have to make sense as to why they're there, and anytime I start thinking about it, I decide I don't know enough about plate tectonics, global hydrology, atmospheric dynamics, metallurgical distribution, iterative soil generation, and etcetera.

    The last 'fantasy' map I did, I put a giant paper garbage bag on the floor and flicked water out of my coffee cup at it, then traced around the blobbles to make my continents. Eventually I worked at a place that had wall-mounted SmartBoards amd I digitized it.

    One of these days I will have to finish writing up what it needs to look like so I can give someone else money to create the masterpiece..
  • @thehawk I'd like to see your randomly generated fantasy map, have you posted it here?
  • 16 days later
  • @RobertF *laughs* Ah, no. Have you seen the works of art that get posted here? That would be too much like putting my drawings when I was five and trying to figure out that whole fine motor skills thing in the Louvre.

    After spending a couple hours looking (files going back to 1997, and I was apparently more ridiculous about making another copy than I though - and have never cleaned it up), the only thing I have left that was digitized is the continental outline. I was never happy with how anything else turned out - mountains, forests, rivers, whatever - so am not surprised that I didn't keep it.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Oh, you haven't seen my early maps then.

    Post away. The Really Great Mappers here will assist you in fixing them up.
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