Problems after Running Update 22

I just installed update 22 and everything was fine. I closed the program and when I opened a file, my menus and all the icons were gone. I've rerun the update and still no luck. It did flash an error saying that the "FSC32.MNU" file was missing. How can I fix this?


  • edited September 2019
    Reran the CC3+ Installation on repair, nothing, ran the CC3MenuConfig.exe file nothing but another error. Rebooted and did it all again and still nothing.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I think Ralf just fixed this because I'm having no trouble at all, but I only just downloaded and installed it.

    Over on the FB Group page Ralf mentioned a stray driver that got caught up in the installer. It's not meant to be there, so he's advised everyone with this issue to find and delete "CC2Per.dll", which is located in the Program Files directory.

    I guess that would be this one, since that appears to be where all the other drivers are to be found:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\ProFantasy\CC3Plus

    If you continue to have problems once you have done that, please contact Tech Support for assistance.

    Anyone else reading this thread. The installer has been updated to remove the offending driver, so if you already downloaded it before this comment but haven't yet installed it because of the reported problems here, re-download the installer and use that one. I've just installed the updated installer and my CC3 is working fine.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I saw the original post about a problem, and redoaloaded after Sue said it had been fixed. I installed the fixed version and I haven't had any problems.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Note that for the "Source file not found: C:\ProgramData\ProFantasy\CC3Plus\fcw32.mac" during installation, just hit ignore on that one. It is a problem that sometimes occurs when the installer is trying to back up your old file, and it has been very hard to track down, but hitting Ignore here doesn't cause any problems at all, all files that are supposed to be copied in will be so.
  • On a side note: you may want to modify/remove your second screenshot, as it shows some serial numbers.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Really good point pool7!

    Please cover them up. We (those who have spoken on this thread) definitely wouldn't steal them, but the forum is public and you never can tell when an opportunist might come along and snap them up.
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