Assets disappearing under a portion of map

Partway through making a map most assets (everything but symbols it appears) started disappearing under portions of a landmass I have. Not the whole thing, just a specific portion. A river I had disappeared, some mountain backs, and a desert layer all have dropped behind the landmass. The entities still exist, but aren't visible. I've tried messing with layers, sheets, etc. but haven't found a solution. It's my first project so it's definitely possible I'm missing something obvious, but fiddled around with the map for a couple days without finding a way to make them visible again.

I added an example of a river going through and dropping behind the landmass, part of the portion that everything is disappearing behind.


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Did you perhaps move your sheets in the map around? Or moved the landmass to a different sheet? This looks like the RIVERS sheet is below the LAND sheet (comes first in the order of drawing). Click the SHeets & Effects button and check your list of sheets. Move the RIVERS sheet down in the list until it draws after the LAND sheet. Alternatively, move the LAND sheet up in the order.
  • edited August 2019
    It was in the right place. I moved it up and it did nothing. I moved it back down and suddenly my rivers reappeared and stayed! We got to the right answer in a roundabout way, I'll take it.
    I still haven't had much luck with the desert and mountain back that disappeared in that same area though.

    I moved my land features all the way to the bottom and it appeared, after some testing if it is below symbols it'll be visible but then they cover my symbols so... Not sure what to do about that one. Doesn't work like the rivers, when I move it back into place it disappears again.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Something that takes a bit of getting used to may be contributing to the problem here.

    The sheets in the sheets and effects dialog are displayed in the order in which they are rendered, so the bottom-most level (the background ocean) is right at the very top of the list (under COMMON) because it is rendered first with everything else then being rendered on top of it - as per the listed order. Once this is grasped it is then easy to see if things on one sheet are hiding other things that are higher up in the list. The LAND sheet should usually be second from top so that the land is sitting on the ocean, and everything else is either sat on the land or the ocean depending on where it is on the map.
  • edited August 2019
    So my original comment was off, I thought I moved my rivers back into place but I didn't. They still disappear if I move them back into the correct order. I attached an image of how my sheets are ordered currently, the main problem being that for a significant portion of the land mass (everything besides that mountain back in the north east) rivers and land features are being rendered under the land unless they're moved to be listed below (rendered above) the symbols layer. Is it possible I somehow managed to get my landmass tagged as the symbol layer instead?


    Okay... So now I feel dumb because yeah I went and selected "move to sheet" and selected the land mass and it already had "land" selected but I clicked it anyways and now things SEEM to be rendering properly. I'm not sure how I messed it up but I think I have it under control now. Thanks a lot for the help.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited August 2019
    Use Info --> List on your landmass. That will tell you which sheet it is on. (Note that your landmass consists of 2 entities, an outline and the actual landmass, so make sure you read the output for the correct entity). List is a very helpful command to help you check if your entities are on the entity they should be.
  • Your sheets look to be in the correct order which mean that some of your objects are not on the correct sheet.

    You can use the List command from the Info menu to find what sheet an object is on. Also, try hiding everything, then show one sheet at a time to see what is on it. Then use the change properties button to change the objects to their correct sheet.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    When you move sheets, make sure the check box for 'redraw on Okay' is checked. Otherwise the map wont update.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    What Jim says - and I will add that if the box isn't checked you only need to rock the mouse wheel a single click back and forth to force a redraw. It's quicker than clicking the refresh button and then clicking back on the tool you were just about to use anyway.
  • Yeah I've just been using the mouse wheel to force a quick redraw. While I am very, very new, I understood initially the concept of how the sheets were stacked and rendered in an order, as indicated by that sheets page. I'm not sure how only part of the landmass ended up on the wrong sheet, since it was one entity. Or those mountain backs were on a different wrong sheet as well? But so far they are rendering in the right spot.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    It's not actually possible for a single entity to be on two different sheets, so maybe we will never know :)
  • My mountain backs also ended up on the wrong sheet it turns out. Which I just was playing around with, and somehow didn't realize that it being on the wrong sheet got rid of my roads, and I already printed the map :)
    Not actually that important so it all worked out but that seems to be why the landmass APPEARED uneven
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