How to remove/resize overlay grid?
I'm using CC3+
I drew a grid overlay for my map and I can't find a way to resize it or remove it. I know I could hide the sheet that contains the grid, but is there a way to remove it completely?
I drew a grid overlay for my map and I can't find a way to resize it or remove it. I know I could hide the sheet that contains the grid, but is there a way to remove it completely?
Hide every sheet except the grid sheet. Then just click the erase tool and select the grid. Then click the "do it" text and that should remove the grid. Then turn all of your sheets back on and your grid should be gone.
Thank you!
If you are creating the grid for the first time, just use the "Undo" button to go back. No need to delete in that case.
I do this all the time since I create game maps from real maps and I want to make sure the hex grid supports both the counter size I will be using as well as the scale that I want (e.g. a 1/2 inch counter and a scale of 1 Hex = 1km).
Also, if you save your map you can't go back by using undo.
Did you manage to sort your grid out?
There are ways to turn a grid on and off without having to hide the sheet every time. Most templates have a LAYER called HEX/SQUARE GRID. If you change the properties of your grid and move it to this special layer you can then freeze and/or hide it. Whether it is visible or not, freezing is always a good idea, since you don't want to be constantly accidentally picking the grid when you are working with it visible.
Is there a way to alter this to make it more like 50?
Yeah, freezing the grid in perspectives 3 has never worked for me. I've tried many times to freeze the grid from the layers menu and no matter what, I can still select it, delete it, mess it up some other way, and generally have the grid become my worst enemy. So I've had to adapt the way I make perspectives so I don't select the stupid grid when I want to move/erase/change something in perspectives 3.