Output scale problem - pixels per grid element

This is something that I have allowed to frustrate me to epic levels - probably should have asked here sooner.

I have a map. When I go to the the RESIZE DRAWING AREA dialog, it is 430x310.

This should mean that if I want to output the map at 200 pixels per 10' grid item, I need to set the export feature to output at 8600 x 6200 pixels. Yet when I do this, I end up needing to scale the grid to about 190 pixels per square before it fits correctly.

I can only image that the border is going out there at some unknown width. How do I get consistent scaling regardless - or in spite of - having a border? When I say that using a 200px grid will work, I want it to actually work.

Thanks in advance



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited July 2019
    When you need to deal with precise exports, I recommend NOT exporting the border. CC3+ calculates the pixels over the total export, which if you just export everything, will include the border and the screen, making it very difficult to calculate.

    Personally, I always use the 'Rectangular png' export option when exporting battlemaps and other pixel-sensitive things, and always specify just the map, not including the border and screen. The other option is to make sure your border is exactly a whole grid square in size (and include this extra square in your calculation), as well as making the same considerations for the screen if it is present.

    As for the 'Resize Drawing Area', this reports on exactly that, the drawing area, not additional stuff outside it (like border and screen), so it is not suitable for export calculations for whole map exports, to get accurate measurements, use the distance tool instead.
  • TopdeckerTopdecker Traveler
    It is starting to become evident that it has something to do with my grid settings.


    In the linked image, you can see the numbers for the grid coming through (in small part) on the left. There is very thin white border on the right as well - nothing on the bottom or top. The border is completely turned off.

  • TopdeckerTopdecker Traveler
    The little white ribbon is there with the grid hidden. I have no idea where it is coming from since it isn't visible until I export.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Looks like you created your grid with numbering turned on, that would account for the numbers.

    Still, as long as you use the rectangular export setting when exporting, you'll get exactly the part of the map that you want, avoiding that white border.
    (Also, make sure that your export options is set to crop image to aspect ratio AND that your calculated width/height is 100% correct)

    That white ribbon is usually the result of one of two things:
    - Either, there is a screen there (usually a white polygon, so it is normally invisible during the normal editing process, but it is still there, and turns up on drawings)
    - Or the crop to aspect ratio export option is not set, so CC3+ enlarges the area slightly to make the export the exact same size you specified in the export options.
  • TopdeckerTopdecker Traveler
    Crop to aspect ratio appears to have resolved it. I'll have a strong bit of whiskey in your honor.

  • TopdeckerTopdecker Traveler
    And just to mention it, setting my save type to RECTANGULAR SECTION JPEG does nothing when I save. It asks if I want to overwrite, but it doesn't do anything after that. Kinda odd. I have always used JPEG BITMAP FILE with good success - until this run of files.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    You need to follow the command line prompts. After selecting a rectangular section type, you need to supply the corner coordinates for the export. Allways watch the command line.
  • TopdeckerTopdecker Traveler
    Alright, thanks, Monsen! I will scope it out because it sounds very handy when carving out smaller maps from a larger map - which is actually going to happen on the next map that I make.

    Here is a related wish-list sort of thing.

    I would like to reveal or show only a small portion of the gridlines. This would allow the end user to coordinate a software-base grid (i.e. Fantasygrounds) without having a grid over the entire map. Is anyone aware of good example of how to accomplish this? A circular, fading reveal would be nifty :)


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