Clipboard Copy Oddity

I am in the process of copying the continent of Alarius from the Community Atlas into a world map that I m putting together for a game. This map combines several maps, all created in the Mike Schley Overland style.

The problem I am having is that for a couple of fill styles, when I copy from one map to another using clipboard copy, the object pastes as a different fill. This is happening for several different fills.

Help or advice needed and appreciated.


  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    The copy/paste operation uses the internal fill ID number rather than by fill name. If the two maps are in different styles (which would generally mean with different internal fill IDs), then the IDs will map to different fills on different drawings. Copying to the clipboard looks like it uses a special, simplified drawing file format that doesn't include any fill information.
  • That fits exactly with what I am seeing. All of the fills doing this were added to their respective maps rather than being part of the template, which would make the ID number different in each map.

    Thanks for the explanation!
  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    It would be nice if there were some user-oriented way to get fills to match between drawings, but I don't think there is. The best that you can probably do is to insert the source drawing into some place in the destination drawing, copy the items of interest within the one drawing, and then delete the original. I think that this technique would correctly manage the fills, but I'm not certain about that.
  • Yep, some means of matching file names between maps would be wonderful but not high priority I'm sure. I'll just change them to the correct fills as I come across the incorrect ones. Not a big deal. :D
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