Wall image missing in Ancient Tomb annual

Just downloaded the Ancient Tombs annual. All looks good with one exception. The Wall button shows no icon on it and the Wall H10 and Wall V10 options have no associated image, they are just grey with red x in a white box. I tried to repair and then tried remove and reinstalled the file. Neither fixed this. Has anyone else had this issue and more importantly, does anyone know the fix?

Thanks in advance for the help.


  • Funny, I just installed the annual and was coming here to ask about the same thing.

    It looks like the pngs for the wall symbols are missing from the download and I'll assume the icon for the walls button is missing as well.

    I'm sure Ralf will come through soon to save the day. He always does. :D
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    The ones I am missing, the @ is there, are: Wall_1x1, Wall_H, Wall_Reg_H, Wall_Reg_V, Wall_V.

    Rest are there.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I think Ralf is on holiday right now, somewhere in the middle of a long walk that will last several days. Maybe Remy knows what's up?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited June 2019
    Sorry, but I'm not involved in the creation of the annuals, and I don't have access to any of the resources, I just have the same download as the rest of you. If Ralf's away, I am guessing this will have to wait until he comes back.

    Maybe Joachim have the files, I am guessing he did most of the work himself before handing it over to Ralf.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    I've talked with Joachim and Simon, and we should have the missing files available for you hopefully later today or tomorrow. Just keep an eye on this topic.
  • edited June 2019
    Sorry everybody,

    Here you can get a zip file that has the missing files and is organized like your Application Data CC3PLUS folder:
    • The BITMAP\ICONS\Annual Ancient Tombs folder has the missing button. I had to recreate it so it can be slightly different from the guide.
    • The BITMAP\TILES\Annual Ancient Tombs folder has the missing fill styles.
    • The TEMPLATE\DUNGEONS folder has the template file with corrected fill styles paths.
    I also made a series of videos to help. They are my very first... Please be tolerant...
  • Thanks, will download and give it a shot.

    Just came across your videos yesterday trying to figure this out. appreciate you putting them up and I subscribed so can catch the future ones! Need to go over your one covering masking to make it look like the dungeon is sunk in the ground. Not working out for me yet
  • I noticed that the template files you included in the zip archive were older and smaller than the ones in the annual. Was there a reason for this?
  • ScottAScottA Surveyor
    Instead of a zipped patch of files wouldn't it just be easier to fix the annual and re-release it? Not everyone is going to see this thread or want to have to download and unzip files. I realize Ralf is on holiday, so maybe that will happen once he returns...

    Oh, and fantastic videos, BTW, Joachim. Very well done.
  • Posted By: ScottAInstead of a zipped patch of files wouldn't it just be easier to fix the annual and re-release it?
    I'm sure Ralf will do just that when he will be back. But I cannot do more than provide the files. As I understand it, this annual had to quickly replace a cancelled one. I wasn't ever aware it was released at that time.
    Posted By: DaltonSpenceI noticed that the template files you included in the zip archive wereolderandsmallerthan the ones in the annual. Was there a reason for this?
    No idea, sorry.
    Posted By: Loremaster_DNeed to go over your one covering masking to make it look like the dungeon is sunk in the ground.
    The principle is to cover the areas outside the walls but starting from the upper left corner (of the map) to match with the background.
    Posted By: Loremaster_Dappreciate you putting them up
    Posted By: ShessarThanks JdR! Great Annual!
    Posted By: ScottAOh, and fantastic videos, BTW, Joachim. Very well done.
    Thanks! That means a lot.
  • When I bring up your symbol catalogs for this in CC3+ I get the message:
    This file was created with software version 3.91
    This software version number is 3.90
    Newer features of the software found in this drawing may not perform
    as expected.
    Please visit your registration page at the ProFantasy site at
    (https://www.profantasy.com/) to download the latest version of the
    As far as I can tell the most recent version is 3.90. Where did you get the upgrade?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    The current version (Update 21) is 3.90

    I expect the files have been saved by someone with a beta update installed - one that hasn't been verified as safe for the rest of us just yet ;)
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    You can fix the version number of that symbol catalog by loading the symbol catalog into the main window (as a drawing, not in the symbol catalog window) and run the CLEARFILEVERSION command, then save the file.

    Joachim has been testing some updated Perspective commands, so he has been using a developer build.
  • 9 days later
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Hi folks, sorry for the problem in the Ancient Tombs Annual. The mistake was not actually the missing files, but wrong fill paths/file names in the Wall symbols and the custom menu folder. The templates were updated/changed a bit for the release, that's why Joachim's files were older and smaller.

    The corrected Annual installer has now been uploaded, simply re-download and reinstall the June Annual and fix your installation. If you've already created maps in the style, you will need to replace any affected wall symbols in your maps with the new ones.
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