WIP Free Port City of VoudCaliff (Complete)



  • Looking fantastic!

    Are those boats on the lakes? You might want to shorten the shadows because it sort of looks like they're hovering above the water. :D
  • not boats, birds... ducks and swans, and I will check that out... it might be the glow effect, I may have to put them on their own sheet.
  • Shouldn't swans be black - the proper ones anyway - haha (Photo by me where I live)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    Swans are only fractionally larger than geese. Surely they wouldn't even be visible at that scale - other than as white dots?
  • I was thinking the same with the livestock.....those sheep look rather large - some as big as your market tents, you might want to scale those down. Otherwise, it's really looking great
  • yeah, I noticed that after I posted it. I should have those corrected by the next posting, because I noticed the bulls were a little too big too.
  • Alright, I worked a bit on my scale, although I just realized my ships are probably way too big, so I will be scaling them back as well.

    I've also added quite a bit in landscaping. I'm not finished, but it's getting there. Spring has started, and in the South Eastern part of the US that means pollen season. One of my many allergies is pollen, and I have three HUGE oak trees in my front and back yard. Which means watery, puffy, itchy, bloodshot eyes... and blurry vision. For about the next 2-3 weeks. So I'm having a slightly hard time seeing what I'm doing.

    But, newest update:
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    Looks good :)

    Since you're doing details as small as swans, how about turning those market umbrellas through 180 degrees so the shaded side is the same side as the shadows cast?
  • What is your scale - it may be that the animals and birds are not so far out. Any chance of a scale symbol.
    Still say proper swans are black
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    There are 7 species of swan:

    Black necked

    They are all 'proper swans'. As to which species people think is most common - that depends entirely on where you live. In the UK we have almost entirely Mute swans, which are white. Only in ornamental parks do we have anything else.
  • Well, in God's Own Country (ie Australia, not the USA), swans are black, therefore that is the 'proper' colour. :D
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    I have no idea what kind of swans are common in the USA :)
  • edited March 2019
    Well, i live in the US (Long Island, NY to be exact) and this from a park about 2 miles from my home. I think that's a Mute Swan, which isn't actually native to LI - they are considered "invasive". We've also got Trumpeter and Tundra Swans which are both also white. I'm pretty sure Storm lives somewhere around the Southeast in the US, which may have some other breeds....but i honestly don't think i've EVER seen a black swan anywhere i've travelled in the US? Sorry for the hijack, Storm :)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    But they're in the map, so they must be important :)
  • Storm always has a good backstory for all her maps, so i'm sure they're part of it
  • I do live in the South Eastern part of the US, NC to be specific, and I've only ever seen black Swans in a zoo, in Southern California, about 40 years ago. I think we have Mute, and Trumpeter Swans in this area.

    And the Tayngor House Sigil is a swan holding a morning glory (in its beak) against a rising sun. Those swans belong to Ward Governor Tayngor. The Swans do have in interesting part in the campaign... much later on... but that's a secret, and I can't risk that secret getting out... so I will just have to tease you all with it :D
  • You know, Sue... my husband and my sons have been watching the progress of this map for a while, because they are eagerly anticipating the start of this campaign. I've got a couple of other friends that will be joining this campaign, and they've seen the progress on this map.

    But out of ALL of the people that have seen the progress on this map, you are the ONLY ONE, that picked up on the significance of the swans! I didn't think ANYONE would figure that out so quickly!
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    I have the advantage of knowing how you map.

    Things are always there for a reason, and I haven't ever seen you bother with adding birds of any kind to your maps before now. So they had to be significant.
  • In my earlier maps, I didn't have them to use them. :) But they do serve a second purpose. This is supposed to be a beautifull city, with landscaping; trees, fountains, ponds and the like. There are ducks in those ponds, too. I've never used them before :)
    But now they are here to help convey the beauty and 'serenity' of the city.

    No one thought about the significance of the ducks in the ponds... but you immediately honed in on the swans... I must be losing my touch! lol
  • People enchanted as swans; Swan Lake??? Don't answer if you feel better not to. Can't wait to see the city finished.
  • The landscaping is as much complete as I can make it at this time. I can't do anymore, until I put back the wall. So that is the next leg in this project. Once the wall is complete, I will finish the bit of landscaping still left to do, add my labels, title and fix my map border, and this map will be complete.
  • The detail is deliciously impressive - and I love the 2 level docks with the stairs - I will filch this idea for sure.
    Best city yet! <3
  • Okay, so I'm ready to set up a macro to build my wall, and since I've never really created a macro before, I, of course, went to the Tome to read up on how to do this.

    However, I'm an idiot when it comes to program coding! Now, I think I can follow along, once I get started, but the beginning just doesn't make sense to me. So I want to make sure I'm doing this right.

    So if I understand correctly, I'm supposed to open up Notepad, and save a blank Notepad as mymacros.mac and save it to cc3+? Is that correct? Will it cause a problem that it ends up saving as mymacros.mac.txt?

    Or am I misunderstanding this?

    This is one of those situations, where I wish there was a screenshot guide to go with the instructions, so I can match up what I'm doing, with the instructions, to help it make more sense to me.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    Posted By: LadieStormSo if I understand correctly, I'm supposed to open up Notepad, and save a blank Notepad as mymacros.mac and save it to cc3+? Is that correct?
    Yes, if by saving it to CC3+ you refer to the CC3+ data directory. I recommend using a better editor than just plain notepad though, such as notepad++, but plain notepad works too.
    Will it cause a problem that it ends up saving as mymacros.mac.txt?
    Yes. Make sure it doesn't add that second extension.
  • I don't have notepad++, at least I don't think I do. Here is my next question. If I want to create more macros, do I just add them to that file? All on the same notepad? Or do I need to make each one, separately?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    You'll normally want to add them all to the same file since CC3+ can only have one macro file loaded at a time.

    Personally, I usually just edit the main fcw32.mac files since that saves me from loading additional macro files (and reloading fcw32.mac when I am done, otherwise CC3+ won't work properly), but directly editing fcw32.mac when you feel a bit unsure about macro editing isn't a good thing.
  • I think this city looks fantastic the way it is but I have one issue. Do you want this city to be as real as possible? If so you should know that usually wind comes off the water from the sea. The way it looks now your livestock will be spreading their stink all over the city. Most livestock pens are usually outside the city in the meadow land. Otherwise I think this is a fantastic map in this underutilized style.
  • I understand what you are saying, Kev, and, yes, farms and livestock are usually housed outside the city proper.

    But that isn't possible for this particular city. You see this city is the only free city on a prison island. the entire island is walled in, with the exception of the city, and the port. Outside that wall, in the city, the citizens are free. But on the other side of the wall, are convict/slaves. While there is law and order on this side of the wall, there is complete anarchy on the other side, with bandits, thieves and the like roaming freely.

    This livestock feeds the city, and has to stay protected, which is why it's in the city proper. It probably would have been better to have the farms closest to the great wall, but it's too late to change it now. I guess I'll have to come up with something to mask the smell ;D
  • This map is almost complete. I put up the wall, and sorry guys... trying to create macros is just out of my league, for now. So I improvised... created tower breaks through out the wall, and built the wall in between each of the tower breaks. That way, they are supported... I hope :)

    I also started on labeling everything. I'm not done, by any stretch, but you can begin to see what all this city has to offer!
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    Looks really great, Storm :)
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