Need help with lighting on Lugdenors Tower (Complete)

For those of you that follow the Cartographer's Guild, I've entered the Feb Mapping Challenge, and this month I'm mapping out a wizard's tower. I mentioned this in another thread, because I thought I was going to have to create a telescope and a glass domed roof for this project. Fortunately for me, the CSUAC actually has a couple of good telescopes, so I didn't have to try to make one, and as for the roof... well... I decided to go with a magical barrier instead.

I'm actually almost done with this map, but I am down to the last part of it. I need to set up the lighting for inside the tower. I've done lighting before, using the symbols CC3+ has, but I will admit, I've never managed to get the lighting to look right. But with the work, and the scaling, and the perspective I've done on this map... I want the lighting to match the rest of the work I've done.

I've set up the first set of wall sconces on the first floor. They are on the wall of the circular staircase, and they are supposed to radiate light out into the room. Now, if this was a square, or rectangular building, it would be fairly easy. I would just make a pool of light to go underneath each lantern, or sconce. But my wizard's tower is circular, with a circular staircase in the middle (I could never do anything the easy way!).

So what I need to do, is create arcs of light. I know I have to work with creating path to polys to get things right.. but I'm having problems making it work. I've read the tome on it, but I'm still having problems... so I need help, please. Here is what I have done.


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I'm a bit confused, Storm. Why do you need to do lighting in a tower that soars into the broad daylight?

    Very nice map, by the way :)
  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    edited March 2019
    How many lights do you need? The simplest thing that I can think of is to make a temporary sheet on top of everything and draw a circular array of markers on that sheet. Then switch to your lighted sheet and plop lights at your marker location. Then delete or hide your temporary sheet of markers.
    By circular array of markers, I mean draw one and use CARY to draw all of them at once.
  • Okay, I have set up where my lights are supposed to be. Although, Sue does have a point. It's not really dark in my tower, is it? Especially during the day with all of those windows.

    Maybe what I need to do, instead, is have light coming in from my windows, then only have lights at the stairs, because inside the walls, the stairs would be dark. Which means, all I have to do, is show light coming in from my windows. Now, for the windows on the bottom floor, that's not really a problem, there are a couple of 'light pools' that look like they are coming in from windows, so I could use those. But the rounded, bay windows on the second floor... I'm not sure how to go about that.

    So here is what I've done with the lighting so far, but with Sue's idea, it's subject to change.
  • I just had a thought. If I made the light coming in from the windows.... would the flower boxes make shadows? Maybe that's too much to deal with.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I think it looks fine the way you've done it already - but that is only my opinion - and earlier I was only asking a question ;)

    The trouble with suddenly deciding right at the end of the process that you want to change the lighting is that the inner glow on the floor may be disrupted by anything you do, and you may end up with a problem trying to make the walls look like they are standing up from the floor. But again - that's only my opinion. Please remember that I am not a dungeon lighting expert ;)
  • I understand what you're saying :) It's just that your question made me think about it.... as I was thinking about it, I looked around my house. Now, granted we have a LOT of shade due to some REALLY BIG trees(I have an oak in my front yard that is massive, and on a sunny day it shades almost our entire front yard), but the rooms that bring in sunlight, we don't have to turn the lights on during the day. We have enough windows in our house that we tend to get a lot of light.

    That's what your question made me think about. Now, the first floor of my wizards tower only has 4 windows. I could change that, or I could leave it as is... and if I change it and add more windows, that's more sunlight coming into the first floor, which means I wouldn't need all of the candle/torch light I've set up( except at night). Now farther in, near the stairs... the light might not reach that far, although there would still be ambient light.

    I've also thought of something else...and maybe I'm over thinking... but I was thinking this as I was using them.... a wizard has a LOT of paper: maps, scrolls, books. I'm using TORCHLIGHT for my lighting...not good for all of that paper. He would use either lantern light... or a mage of his power and knowledge would use mage light....

    The more I think about it, the more I have come to the conclusion that I need to rethink my lighting completely, and do it now, before I start working up the pools of light. Definitely something to think about...
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    A wizard would have some kind of magic glow ball that followed him around and sat just behind his shoulder when he was reading, wouldn't he?
  • Or just continual light that exists in many games.
    Its like a torch but gives of no heat and is on all the time.
  • MedioMedio Surveyor
    Very nice one!

    Very little nitpick, the lights in there don´t fit the shadow on items.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
  • Medio, I realize that... I'm just starting the lighting process... I haven't changed anything, yet.
  • I don't know how to help you with the lighting but if this doesn't win the contest I'd protest. Everytime I see a map from you Shessar or Loopysue I see something else that I want to learn how to do. Amazing tower. I wish I could help with the lighting. I'll take a shot though.

    I think it might have something to do with Point Light Finalize and Point Light Set up. If I remember right you can set those up to match the objects in your map with the lighting. If you set both of them up correctly it will provide proper lighting and automatically account for the size and shape of each item according to the sheet it is on.
  • Evil wizards work in the dark, as they have magically enhanced infravision, and need to hide their wicked deeds! So the interior should just be a black circle. 3:)
  • lol Quenten!

    Actually, Mark Oliva over at the guild mentioned something that I wasn't really thinking about at the time. Considering the time of day it is, and the fact that it's still daylight outside, the torches wouldn't be lit, and light would be coming in through some of the windows( the ones in front of the sun), so this will actually be changing a lot.
  • So I went back, and I completely redid my lighting. I think, so far, it's turned out really well. Since it's daylight, I replaced the lit torches, with unlit, encased lanterns (since my wizard wouldn't want to risk all of that paper!). I then added lit lanterns to my circular staircases, because they would need them. I also created the pools of light for the staircases, and set up my light shadowing for the first floor. There isn't much of that, since there are only two, maybe three windows that would be letting light in at this time.

    I also set my lighting up for the second and third floor. My second story staircase it list, with unlit lanterns through out. On my third floor, since it's technically outside, I just provided unlit braziers (or large candles).

    I only have one thing left to do, and that's to set up the pools of light coming in my second floor windows. I am not sure how to proceed. These windows are bay windows, rounded, which tells me I need rounded pools of light. but do I need full circles? Half circles? Some sort of triangular arc? I'm not sure what shape my pools of light should take... and then I have to figure out how to create the shape that I need.
  • I finally figured out how to set up the pools of light, thanks Mark, who was able to illustrate his thought process. So for good or for ill, this map is now complete. Please continue to leave comments and suggestions on how to improve it! Even though it won't make it into this map, it will help me learn for the next one :)

    So here is my completed Laugdenor's Tower:
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Lovely map. I adore your attention to details. Looks like a great place to live (assuming I could get an internet connection there :) )
  • MedioMedio Surveyor
    The map improves and improves... love the sun entering by the window. Great job Ladiestorm!
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