Strange bug after installing CC3+

Hey. I just reinstalled CC3+ after a long absence from mapping. However, when I loaded everything up, it seems like a lot of the textures for all of the packages I installed are not working correctly. Instead of loading the bitmap for a texture tool, CC3+ instead seems to load a red woodgrainish texture (see attached screenshot). Has anyone else had this problem and knows how to fix it?

Thanks in advance!


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    This happens if you try to use the wrong set of drawing tools for your map. Drawing tools address fill styles configured in the current map, and if the fill style it is configured to use don't exist in the map, you will get this issue.
    If you wish to use other drawing tools than those associated with the style of the current map, you'll need to import the fill styles first.
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