Merge shapes for a single outline

I'd like to merge multiple shapes (as an example my circle & polygon shown here) so that I can apply a single outline and fill to them? Basically I'm trying to create mostly rectangular landmass with round turreted corners in a city plan (specifically this one here )

I know how I'd do it in AutoCAD - funny how knowing one CAD software can both help and hinder learning another.


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    Its a combination of trims.

    You can trim them both at the same time by using Edit --> Trims --> Trim inside.

    Watch the command line. It asks for two trimming entities first. Pick both your shapes. When it starts to ask for entities to trim pick first one then the other of your shapes. That should trim the outlines to make one shape.

    To combine those shapes right click the Fractalize tool and pick Line to Path. Then select both the shapes and right click and do it.

    Converting them both at the same time while their ends are in contact like that should convert them both into a single unified shape.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    I've just tried this out to make sure it works. Sometimes there is a slight problem at the conversion stage, but if you keep your eyes open you will see that there is a single segment of line that isn't behaving like the rest. Delete that tiny bit of line and replace it by switching Attach on and using the straight line tool. Then try the conversion again.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited February 2019
    Another option for doing this is the relatively new CONTOURSM command. It is a command line only command, and it creates a new entity instead of modifying the existing one, but it is easy to use, and generally gives good results. Just set the distance to 0 when prompted to make it match the existing entities exactly.
    Some info about the command in this blog post. It talks about using it on raster image, but the exact same technique applies to using it on regular CC3+ entities.
  • Monsen - the COUNTOURSM is exactly what I needed here.

    Sue - That worked great as well, that LINE TO PATCH was the trick I was missing.

    Thank you both!
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    I hadn't realised you could use CONTOURSM for that, so I've learned something new today as well - thanks Remy :)
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