Quick, hopefully easy, silly question... Changing scale
Okay, so I know that right now, it's set up so that 1 pixel equals 1 mile. How can I change that? I'd like to make it so that 2 pixels equals a mile (effectively doubling the dimensions of the map), so that I can more easily do small details on the map rather than just the large scale portions. If you have any other suggestions, please share! Thanks!
If you wish to rescale an entire map, you can do so by using the Scale command, select everything (make sure all layers are unfrozen first), then scaling by a factor of 2.0, but you shouldn't do this for the purpose you describe, as you would end up with 2 map units per mile, which means all the measuring tools would report the distances at twice their correct value.
Pixels are only relevant for CC3 when printing or exporting to an image file, since these require hard pixel dimensions.
That said, you can play around with the Drawing Properties > Map Units setting. That's probably the setting you're looking for. If you half the "Inches per unit" value, you effectively double the size of your map. If you leave the "Rescale" button unchecked this will not affect sheet effects, but you will only see a difference in the displayed distances if you you something else but "Numeric".
Note that all this has no effect on the detail you can actually put in the map.