How to use a FT3 imported map ?


I just finished a nice world with FT3 and would like now to use my CC3 in order to create an overland map based on it.

I deactivated all layers but the coast line layer.
How can I colour the landmass and the sea now ?
I tried to use the blur effect on a sheet layer, but nothing happened.

How am I supposed to proceed ? Does anybody know a good tutorial I could follow to work on an FT3 imported map in CC3 ?

Many Thanks


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited November 2018
    Instead of hiding things in CC3+, I recommend only exporting what you need from FT3, that makes the process easier. If you only want the coastlines, FT3 has an export option for that. You'll also want to edit the export settings to make sure the option to multiploly the contours is NOT enabled, as this will make things harder to edit (Note that you may need to run FT3 as administrator (right clickk the program icon and select the run as administrator option) or it will have trouble saving the export option if you did make changes.

    Now, in FT3 you can easily use Change Properties on the entities to change their fill style. Since FT3 exports a map in a rather basic style, you may also wish to simply copy the entities (via the clipboard) to a new CC3+ map created in the appropriate style. You can then right click the change properties button to access the change like draw tool option to change an entity (like a landmass) into the style matching an existing drawing tool.

    Also, make sure to keep your terminology right. I noticed you wrote layers, but I suspect you meant sheets. At least for the last part where you mention the effect, because effects can only be applied to sheets, not layers, you won't find any options for effects at all in the layers dialog. Keeping these right in your head is important, or you will quickly get confused when trying to follow instructions from tutorials.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    For me, exporting the png and using that as a mapping guide after I import into CC3+ on a bitmap layer and sheet works best.
  • Hi, complete newb here. I have CC3+ and FT3. I would like to export the coastlines for the Earth map from FT3 to turn into playable maps in CC3+.
    How far will I be able to scale properly?
    I understand rivers are in the Earth map, but I can't find out to show them.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited November 2018
    The ETOPO1 earth dataset from NOAA that can be imported into FT3 does not contain river data. does publish river data, and this annual deals with importing said data.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited November 2018
    You can have FT3 generate the rivers for you, but those probably won't match the real thing at all.
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