Changing the color of placed buildings created with CD3

GThielGThiel Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
When laying out Lake Town, I used the buildings available with CD3, planning on changing the color later to color code them by purpose. To my chagrin, I found that the change object command color change affects both the building and the ridge line of the building. Is there a way to change the building color while leaving the ridges alone. Here's the town WIP


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    These are drawn using the House command from CD3? If so, these houses are complex entities, that are built from several entities grouped together. To change the color of only certain parts, you need to unlock groups (The locked button in the bottom left) and then change only the appropriate entities, there is no way to just recolor the house directly. (You do have the demographic coloring option, but that isn't really good for the normal city view, since it makes houses single-colored without shading)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Its way easier, and doesn't actually take very long, to replace each house you want to change - but making sure that you have that particular house exactly the right colour first.

    Or.... you can do what I sometimes do, and put them on a different sheet, then use an HSL sheet effect to change their colour?
  • GThielGThiel Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    So I've learned something because of this, Pick the building colors correctly before placing it. I've moved all the original buildings to a "Building Misc" sheet and created a "building Purposed" sheet. When I redraw the building I want to change, it appears on the "building sheet." I then delete the original from the "Building Misc" sheet and move the new building to the "Building Purposed" sheet. Rinse and repeat.

    This is a small city, and when I think of having to do it on the scale of a city that Quenten creates, I shudder and think no way -- never -- not going to happen!! :-)

    So here is Lake Town -- WIP. I've decided that when I run out of room in the right panel to put new building descriptions, the town will be populated. :-)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited August 2018
    Some of us are city mapper, some prefer regional, and others do best at dungeon scale.

    That's a pretty good city, even if you don't like doing them :)

    And... it get easier with practice ;)

    EDIT: Oh man! I seem to be having keyboard problems (distinct lack of 's's above. Sorry!)
  • GThielGThiel Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    So, Loopysue, where should I place the Cheesemaker and the mousetrap store?

    Just have to find a place in the Atlas to put the place. Could be either on a lake or on the edge of a sea (with a name change), anyone have any suggestions?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    How about Aresdice on Megama Lake in Themisia. That's a town sitting neatly at the edge of a lake.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Thanks Jerry, but I've got my own cheesery… cheesiery… cheesary… oh dear. Either my spellchecker is broken, or I really don't know how to spell it! LOL!
  • GThielGThiel Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Monsen, I'll chat with Quenten about that.
  • GThielGThiel Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    This town is now named Aresdice and is going to be located on Megama Lake by agreement with Quenten.
  • Perhaps Hellenize the names a bit eh Kentoun, Susania, Ioseu etc
  • I haven't been around the boards much lately - got a lot of stressful "life" stuff going on and any free time i have managed has been micro world building my homebrew campaign and playing 2x monthly. And...i've seemed to have found myself in a bit of a mapper's block? Aaaaannnyway.....Jerry, you have been mapping like crazy! AMAZING. This is a great town! I love it! And i share your dislike or trepidation of doing more towns or even large cities on the scale Quenten, our resident city master does. I've made one city. It's OK. I haven't been able to or wanted to start another. I crave Quenten's cities and still am waiting with bated breath for Hadrian's and Sue's cities. Bravo on completing this! I can't wait to use it and figure out where i can incorporate it into my own campaign! Maybe, when i get some creative vibes groovin' again, i'll do choose a building for a floorplan :)
  • GThielGThiel Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Lorelei, Thank you for your kind words. Being retired I have the time to "play."

    If you have suggestions for more individualized shops and places let me know and I can add them before I submit the map to the Atlas. Here's a "finished" version of it with Greekish names. (Hummm Lorelei, perhaps I should add a tavern called the "Siren's Song." :-) )

  • Great job all round Jerry - your city has really come to life. And good work on the names too. On to your next city!
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