ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
How do you make one of those tiling frame designs?
I know they are made with symbols, but how do you plan them. What are the limitations on the design, and what are the things not to do?
I know they are made with symbols, but how do you plan them. What are the limitations on the design, and what are the things not to do?
Annual 23: Welcome to November issue of the Cartographer’s Annual 2008 is about map borders.
I remember some 'crystal mosaic' bitmaps that I have used as map borders in the past. I don't remember when in CC2/CC3 days I got them. I don't see them in my folders.
LE - that's a very kind offer - thanks, but I've got loads of figures of my own already. That's a really handsome frame as well.
I was hoping that someone would have made one of those linking symbol things where you just define a line and they lay themselves out end to end, resulting in an instant frame in a matter of seconds. I was hoping to pick up a few hints and tips on what to avoid attempting - to save a bit of time.
I thought that if I could knock a few of those out they would make a really handy addition to the community art collection when it happens
'Persian glass' is, I think, one of the border bitmap fills... but I still cannot find it. I don't think they are in the Annuals.
Found it. CC3Plus\Bitmaps\Tiles\Perspectives\Bitmap A
Below is one of them.
All this is after about 7 other major projects
I was wondering if this discussion on how to create frames went on since it started (maybe elsewhere?).
I made frames by drawing lines with ortho on. I try different widths to see what looks best.
Thanks @JimP
I'll try following your suggestion.