How to save Pro Fantasy Settings

Hello all, i have to reinstall my win7 system in the next days. Means i also have to reinstall all my Programms including ProFantasy CC3/DD3.
Before I do i would like to save all may ProFAntasy Settings. for Exampel: i do have maps with a lot of my own Tiles and i don´t want to loose the links.
Is there any option, that i can save all links from a map to the Bitmaps & Symbols ? So that if every map knows where to find the symbols and Tiles that i already have set.

My System is on the Drive C which i will formate. The Pro Fantasy Software and all my Folders with Symbols and Bitmaps are on Drive H which i don´t touch, but after my experience i have to reinstall all Programms after reinstalling Windows

Thnx for helping me


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Are you using CC3 or CC3+?
  • TelnangoTelnango Traveler
    edited March 2018
    CC3+ hallo ralf gerne auch auf deutsch ;-)
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Besser Englisch im Forum, damit die Informationen auch für andere nachvollziehbar sind. ;)

    If you leave your Profantasy folders on the H drive intact, you can simply point CC3+ back to it after reinstallation. Don't choose H:\... as a custom folder during installation (or you might overwrite your settings). Instead, after installation, open the file @.ini in C:\Program Files (x86)\Profantasy\CC3Plus in a text editor and change the shown path to your folder on the H drive. Restart CC3+ and it should be re-using all your old resources.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Gutt Morgan ! ( Probably spelled completely wrong, but its about all the German I know.)

    As Ralf said, English is better in this forum. Not that I'm picking... my ancestors picked the hardest languages to be born into people's learning; Commanche and Gaelic.
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