Map Challenge 1 - A Basic Island

Hi Forum Folks,
Over in the Campaign Cartographer 3+ Facebook User Group we have decided to run a monthly challenge to help new guys learn how to use the tool. The idea is we provide a rough sketch of something that people can then recreate within CC3+ giving them something to challenge themselves with. We are already seeing some great contributions
So FYI in case there's anyone here that wants to come join in. The group is currently 730 strong and incredibly active.
Campaign Cartographer 3+ Facebook User Group
Over in the Campaign Cartographer 3+ Facebook User Group we have decided to run a monthly challenge to help new guys learn how to use the tool. The idea is we provide a rough sketch of something that people can then recreate within CC3+ giving them something to challenge themselves with. We are already seeing some great contributions
So FYI in case there's anyone here that wants to come join in. The group is currently 730 strong and incredibly active.
Campaign Cartographer 3+ Facebook User Group