Multipoly commands - Disappearing fill

I'm using DD3 and I've gathered a group of entities together and used the multipoly command to create the single entity. My issue is that when I'm zoomed out the fill I've selected doesn't completely fill the whole entity so it's has 'holes' in it. However when I zoom in, the fill re-appears in the spots where previously missing. This isn't a problem when I'm zooming in to print just one room, but I'm trying to print the whole dungeon on a single sheet of paper. I actually haven't printed anything yet but does anyone know why this occurs?


  • This looks like you have a problem with what the CC3 users call "leaky multipolies". The problem is that one or more connections between two lines isn't exact. To see which entities are offending, examine the multipoly and look for obvious areas that aren't behaving as expected. One area I can see right away is the chamber to the lower right just above the half-circle. Zoom in closely at this spot and see if all of the walls are connected. To perform a multipoly successfully, all lines must form a complete and unbroken polygon. Areas like the open doorways with zero-thickness lines (located in the middle left and right sections of the above map) are also offenders. To multipoly this shape, I would copy the entire map to a separate layer or sheet, hide the original sheet or layer so as not to destroy your hard work, then ensure that all of the connections are complete, and cut the extra walls that jut (like the aforementioned lines). Remember that you are in essence, creating a silouette of the map so inner lines are not necessary and in fact break the polygon. The result is that you now have a multipoly shape of the exact diminsions as your map, AND the original map. In this way you can hide one or the other and print either one, or use the multipoly as a shaded floor or whatever you wish.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    What Latharion said. :) Get rid of those unnecessary inner lines and you should be fine.
  • 4 years later
  • SorpawSorpaw Newcomer
    Can caves be successfully attached to a straight-line plan prior to a multipoly? I am working with a plan that combines both styles (cave and standard dungeon plotting) and have had real problems with "leaking multipolies". Here is what I am talking about -


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I'm not sure what by looking at your drawing. I'll upload sme drawings frmo my Dwarf Home maps that show odd shapes with rectangular rooms. I used polygon rooms in dumgeno designer to make these.

    These were done with CC2, so CC3 should have no problem.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited March 2013
    A combined shape room with solid walls breaking it up. Are these kinda what you are trying to do ?
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    In case you want to look at the map files:

    first map above

    second map above
  • 1 month later
  • SorpawSorpaw Newcomer
    Thanks for the help, JimP! My first inclination is to limit the number of times natural formations (cave structures) come in contact with squared areas (rooms). When you joined the two types, (square and cave) did you do anything special?

    Breaking a closed structure is generally what gets me into trouble - leaking poly city! No matter what I try to get the entities to join, they won't.

    Thanks again,

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited April 2013
    Nope, I just scanned in the graph paper, loaded it as a bmp into the drawng, and use the Add Room, Polygon and Multipoly to make them, with Dungeon Designer the add-on I was using. I don't use explode or break. Sometimes in the past I've used Trim on two lines that crossed.

    The first map: beige and rock floors drawn separately.

    Second map: much of it one multipoly.
  • 8 days later
  • SorpawSorpaw Newcomer
    Hmm. Jim P, I'll keep that in mind. Did you have any problems making things connect? Sometimes shapes don't "perfectly" connect to lines. To top off the line/shape join problem, I want to add a tinted background to the plan (to make the inside stand out) to the plan, but this often requires an unbroken boundary line (like a multipoly). Have you run across a method that ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEES that the connections that it makes will be solid and leak-proof?

    Thanks for the help!

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Yeah, I rarely use connecting symbols. I only used them on the two starships I've drawn so far. Crestar doesn't have any.

    Make sure things are on the correct layer and sheet. I freeze any layer I'm not working on, and then use node edit and drag, which ever is needed, to move things around so they look correctly.
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