Importing binary into FT3 then export to CC3+

Greetings everyone,

I'm somewhat new in the map making business as a map visual support will help my interactive storytelling attempts in Twine.
Enough of an introduction, I've purchased both FT3 and CC3+ with the intent of following these steps:

1) Import world terrain data from Antarctica references into FT3.
2) Use FT3 to change altitudes on the continent, change climate, add rivers, etc. while keeping the contours the same.
3) Export data to CC3+
4) Use CC3+ to create a fantasy map with all the bells and whistles.

However, for reasons outlined below I wasn't able to go past step 1.

The references available in the Terrain Data folder are either:
- ANTARCPS data which when loaded displays something like the attached image.
- CTOPO30 world data which is split into 6 tiles for Antarctica. I've tried merging the 6 tiles into a single binary file using gdal_merge and while that worked, I'm not generating a header and the resulted merge file doesn't show up properly in FT3. I feel I'm overly complicating the solution.

Is there another way to merge multiple terrain data files into one without having to install licensed software. Or maybe somebody has a merged file handy and ready to use.

If someone would recommend another approach to reach my goals as I'm feeling I'm steering off the path here, I would be more than welcome to hear it.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
    edited February 2018
    Use the following settings with the ANTARCPS set.

    (Scale isn't correct, you may wish to use some better values for map edges, just keep in mind that this dataset is square, so the values should represent a square too)

    The ETOPO1 dataset can also be used, if you use the one with icecaps, as the bedrock one is missing lots of data from that region.
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