Why do my lines keep disapearing after being saved

When I opened up CC3 today (Modern) I started drawing a new map of a mansion. For some reason some after I save it and reopen it, some of my lines keep disappearing. I cannot understand why. I did a repair and that did not correct the problem. The settings I have on the top are as follows:

S: Background
L: Wall Features
LS: Solid
FS: Hollow

Can someone give me an idea of why it is doing this and tell me how to avoid it. I'm a novice so my understanding is quite low. Please don't talk over my head with your response, keep it as simple as possible.


  • it's possible, that your lines are being hidden by another sheet. CC3(+) draws your map in order of the sheets. Top sheet is drawn first, then the next sheet, then the next, etc...
    If your wall sheet is above your floor sheet, for example, your walls will be drawn first, then your floors, and your floors may cover up your walls.

    another possibility is that you have drawn your lines on the 'wrong' sheet, so that they are, again, covered up by something else... for example, if you accidentally drew your walls on the background sheet, then drew your floors on the floor sheet, your walls would disappear.

    those are the two most common reasons I can think of, but it's hard to tell what's really going on without seeing the .fcw
  • edited December 2017
    I started a new map (several times) and it kept happening. I went to a previous level of the mansion (a floor I drew a few days ago), erased all of the inside lines in order to retain the outer edges of the building, then saved that under a new name. I then proceeded to add all of the new walls for the upper level of the mansion and that seemed to work fine.

    Also when I start a new map and draw a simple square with individual lines, not all of the lines show up or only half of a line shows up. If I enlarge or decrease the screen size this seems to cause lines to disappear also.

    I'm concerned about having this problem again (the lines disappearing) when I start a new building all together...like the servants and guards quarters.

    What can I do to prevent this from happening?

    What should my settings be at to prevent this.
  • I think someone else may have to weigh in on this... and we would really need to take a look at your .fcw. There are so many different reasons as to why your issue could be happening, and there isn't any way to tell you how to fix it, until we know how it's 'broken'.

    I admit, I'm not even sure what it is you mean when you say the 'inside lines'. do you mean inner walls? Hopefully, someone with a lot more experience than I have will be able to help sort this out.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Can you post your map this is happening in? That would help in narrowing down the problem.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    What is the sheet order ?
  • I don't understand "What is the sheet order".
  • edited December 2017
    I've tried to post the map where I'm having problems but whenever I click Browse (below) it won't let me find the folder labeled Top Secret S.I. where I store the map. If I just turn CC3 on, I find the path to the file without a problem. The path is

    C:\Program Files(x86)\ProFantasy\CC3\Top Secret S.I.\Operation Arctic Blast\Chimera's Island, Mansion\Test Map.FCW

    Is there some sort of "reset" button on CC3 to restore factory settings that I could try?

    I could uninstall and reinstall the program and it might correct it, but won't I lose all my saved maps if I do that?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited December 2017
    In CC3(+) your sheets have an ordering, and this order determines what is being drawn on top of what. You can check your sheet order simply by opening the sheets and effects dialog.
    The most common reason why things seems to disappear is because you have drawn them on a sheet covered by another sheet. For performance reasons, everything you draw will appear on top of everything as you draw it, but once a map redraw happen for any reasons, things will be drawn correctly based upon their sheet which may make it look like things disappear, because it is on a sheet that is covered by another.
    This is further explained in the 'Sheets and Effects' chapter of the manual.
    Posted By: Cosmos MasterC:\Program Files(x86)\ProFantasy\CC3\Top Secret S.I.\Operation Arctic Blast\Chimera's Island, Mansion\Test Map.FCW
    Never save maps within the CC3 directory, Windows UAC virtualises these writes, so you can only see them from inside the program (because they are really being written to somewhere completely different), but you cannot find them form an explorer/browse window. I recommend just opening it in CC3, and use save as to save it somewhere else.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Cosmos :)

    Ralf should be able to help you if you upload the .FCW file right here.

    You can do that by clicking the browse button underneath a new comment as you write it, and locating the .FCW file, then clicking the 'Add your comments' button.
  • I've tried to post the map where I'm having problems but whenever I click Browse (below) it won't let me find the folder labeled Top Secret S.I. where I store the map. If I just turn CC3 on, I find the path to the file without a problem. The path is

    C:\Program Files(x86)\ProFantasy\CC3\Top Secret S.I.\Operation Arctic Blast\Chimera's Island, Mansion\Test Map.FCW

    Is there some sort of "reset" button on CC3 to restore factory settings that I could try?

    I could uninstall and reinstall the program and it might correct it, but won't I lose all my saved maps if I do that?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited December 2017
    That isn't a very good place to have your folder, Cosmos. Its in the file that contains the actual software, which is a hidden system file on your computer. The browse button won't be able to see it.

    Try saving the FCW on your desktop from within CC3, and then upload it to the site.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited December 2017
    Uninstalling and reinstalling is a much too drastic reaction.

    You simply need to move your user files and folders out of the software folder system, which you will have to do manually with file explorer with the hidden system folders made visible to that you can see them.

    I have all of my CC3 maps in a folder called "CC3 Maps" in my "Documents" folder. That might not be the recommended place (if there is one), but its a whole lot better than mixing user files with the actual software program files.
  • edited December 2017
    Ok the test map is the problem I'm having.

    The gaps you see are where lines once were drawn. I tried several different maps and kept getting the same results. The lines that would disappear seemed very random.

    The second map I posted "Chimera's Mansion, Main level, I did several days ago, and this doesn't seem to suffer the same problems.

    What is the difference between the maps?
  • I moved the files from Profantasy to my desktop
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Sorry if I was a bit sharp, Cosmos! I was suddenly very anxious that you didn't go and uninstall everything when it wasn't necessary, and it wouldn't have solved the problem.
  • I didn't uninstall it. When I make a map, why does the program want to save it under Profantasy automatically if that is a bad place to store it?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited December 2017
    I only see a single gap here (top left of the inner path), but I do notice that several of your lines are exactly below the gridlines in the map, which will serve to hide them. What happens if you hide the grid, do you see all the lines you expect to see?
    Posted By: Cosmos MasterWhen I make a map, why does the program want to save it under ProFantasy automatically if that is a bad place to store it?
    That's based on how Windows browse dialog works. They remember the last location used, and you use that program directory a lot when loading symbols and such, so it will often have that directory open by default. It is not to encourage anyone to save there.
    For reference, CC3+ split out all data from the program directory, so with CC3+ it is safe to save in the data directory (although I still recommend using your documents directory instead), but with CC3, it is very important to use a different directory.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I think it defaults to wherever the current map was last saved.

    If that is where it directed you the first time you ever saved a map, I have no idea why it did that. Its such a long time ago that I did my first map that I can't remember where the default location was initially set.

    Anyhow - you have it somewhere that isn't in the software folders, which is a much better situation.

    You might want to move the folder with all your maps into the Documents folder, since there it will be alongside lots of other user file folders, and hopefully automatically included in any regular backups you do, without having to worry about anything.
  • Posted By: MonsenI only see a single gap here (top left of the inner path), but I do notice that several of your lines are exactly below the gridlines in the map, which will serve to hide them. What happens if you hide the grid, do you see all the lines you expect to see?

    Monson, there are two lines missing on the right inner side of the map as well. Are you saying that they "appear" to be missing because I didn't draw right on the grid line? I normally try to run along the grid line as best as I can. The test map I whipped up real quick to show you folks what my problem was. Normally I would be more particular such as the lines in the Mansion Main level map.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    The grid is on top of the drawing, so any lines you happen to draw that are smack bang 'on top' of the grid line will disappear the moment the image is refreshed.

    Try moving the grid sheet higher up the list in the sheets manager (its upside down, remember).
  • Posted By: LoopysueThe grid is on top of the drawing, so any lines you happen to draw that are smack bang 'on top' of the grid line will disappear the moment the image is refreshed.

    Try moving the grid sheet higher up the list in the sheets manager (its upside down, remember).
    I don't understand what you mean by moving the grid sheet higher up the list in the sheets manager. How do I do that?
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    If Monsen hasn't already answered you before I get back from preparing a screen shot to show you, if you give me a few minutes - Ill show you :)
  • Posted By: LoopysueIf Monsen hasn't already answered you before I get back from preparing a screen shot to show you, if you give me a few minutes - Ill show you :)
    That would be great, please keep things as simple as possible for me to understand and how to locate things on CC3.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited December 2017
    Ok :)

    One modified screen shot coming up.

    First click the button on the left with three yellow square things on it (ringed in red and numbered 1)

    This will open the 'Drawing sheets and effects' dialog

    Select the GRID sheet numbered 2. (click on it so that it is highlighted)

    Then using the 'Move up' button (ringed and numbered 3 in red), move the GRID sheet up the stack till it is above the FLOOR sheet (which is where all your lines have been drawn)

    This might seem like an odd thing to do, but the representation of the sheets in your drawing (which are similar to layers in apps like GIMP or PS) is upside down. That is to say that sheet listed at the top of that list will be on the bottom of the drawing as it appears in your map window.

    To understand more about what sheets do and how to use them, it might be a good move to look at that section of the User Manual where they are explained. The effects you can add to each sheet are the fun bit, but its best to take this one step at a time :)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited December 2017
    This is just a suggestion to make it immediately easier for you to see what you are drawing. It may well be that you eventually need to move the grid back down the stack a level or two so that it is still visible on top of your floors when you have finished drawing them.

    An alternative to moving them at all is to hide the grid, by clicking the little box immediately to the left of the name of the GRID sheet so that you can see a little 'H' there.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    S: is sheets L: is layers. Sheets determine what sequence what shows in the drawing as mentioned above. I was on my cell phone earleir, its hard to post details from there, and auto-corect gives me a headache.

    So if you have land then sea sheets... the land will be drawn under the sea.

    They should be:

    The sheets are drawn from the top of the list to the bottom of the sheet list. So Backgorund gets drawn first, map border gets drawn last.

    You can also hide the Grid sheet. Its the second column in the shet popup. Click on it, next to Grid, and then click 'Redraw on Ok'. then click okay.

    The gride will hide, and you can see your lines.
  • edited December 2017
    Ok LoopySue, I followed your directions. The "Grid" didn't highlight but when I clicked on it's left box I was able to move it above "Floor". That worked, so I will see if my map reverts back to the way it should be. Thank you.

    I just went back and checked and yes, that corrected the problem. You are awesome!
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Thank you, Cosmos :)

    Never think there's only one right way of doing a thing, however. Like I said, you could just as easily hidden it, but by moving it you can now carry on drawing with it visible.

    You might find watching Joseph Sweeneys videos helpful at this stage - the ones about drawing dungeons cover a lot of this stuff. You can get to them by opening the sticky thread at the top of the forum page called:

    Interesting, Important and Helpful topics - Free Symbols, Resources, Tutorials & More

    Click 'ProFantasy User Tutorials' in the list of tutorials in that thread to get to the right page :)
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