Community Atlas: The Forlorn Archipelago, The Bleakness and dungeons



  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    taking a break after I post this.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    The first cave is now added tot he atlas. Thanks for contributing another exciting map Jim.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Update on Cave 2.

    Location 18 is a convoluted covered passageway. The one rough area over by room 19 is there to puzzle the players. Or it could lead to a small concealed sorage area about 5' by 5'.

    Stairs down from 19 leads to a concealed trap door into room 16. From inside room 16 the trap door is a crudely painted wood door that looks vaguely like stone. Should be easy to spot.

    Room 11. Well, it could be a trap... a giant washing machine. Otherwise why are the 4 wall pieces next to the water ? The wood door opens out onto the stairs, its a relief valve.

    Still in progress.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Final on Cave 2. Any suggestions or misspelled text ?

    he Bleakness, The Churning Mountains, The Desperate Caves, Cave 2

    Some of the mountains are volcanos, some are extinct.

    Symbols from Annual Issue 66 and Perspectives add-on.

    Caves: are enclosed unless noted in the description. Cave height is 15 feet.

    Rooms: enclosed unless noted in the description. Rooms are 10 to 15 feet high.

    Water: Water_blue_light_P3B, perspective bitmap fill.

    Clouds/fog under walkway to rooms 3b and 12. from the Alysa Faden Annual.

    Several areas and rooms would be an excellent place to put monsters who try and ambush the characters as they explore this cave.

    1) entrance cave, small water flow across the room. A slippery ramp down into a deep pool. Easier to get to the small location 24 than room 2. There might be treasure at the bottom of the pool which is 25 feet deep.

    2) Crossroads between different parts of this cave complex.

    3) a T-shaped room. The statue in 3a might talk, it might not. 3b has a small secret door. The passageway that leads to room 12 has no walls. The narrow path is over an abyss. Fog down below.

    4) Anteroom to an evil temple.

    5) evil temple, a sarcophagus, wood chairs, alter, and an evil statue. Three cages for victims, or people who joined and aren't evil enough.

    6) crate and a statue. The statue's spear will swing toards, but not hit, anyone tring to approach the crate. Its a warning...

    7) small room... bad smell, like something died in there.

    8) Pool room. The pool is 20 feet deep, and slippry sides. The small alcoves help monsters hide. Hidden behind the enclosed wood stairs is a small chest.

    9) another crossroads room.

    10) storage room for vetments, etc.

    11) Could this be a washing the characters room ? The 4 walls near the water pit in the center certainly look like agitators in a clothes washer.

    12) Two statues and a small chest. When the chest is opened the statues break out into song. 'Beware ! Beware ! Something is going to get you down here ! So beware !" To make it even more stressful for the payers, the statues could dance as well.

    13) whispering sounds are heard in this room.

    14) A nice wall for monsters to hide behind, the divider between room 13 and room 14. The two stone doors are teleports. Anyone grasping the door handles and opening the door will be teleported to room 8.

    15) Three archways.

    16) Sounds of a coin being dropped on a wooden area, but no wood in sight. Note the 10 foot drop from the stairs to the bottom of the floor.

    17) Safety valve room, where an overloaded room 11 will cause the wooden door in room 11 to pop open and characters, gear, and water goes into this room. The plank and rope bridge is open, and the water will fall down into the mountain.

    18) A narrow enclosed zig-zag improved tunnel. The one natural area is to puzzle the players... it could be nothing, it could be hidding a concealed door leading to a small alcove with a box, etc.

    19) A small room, excellent place to ambush characters coming down location 18 corridor.

    20) Normal room for draining room 11. Shallow pools of water on the floor. Many drains along the walls.

    21) A small room with a wood ladder that goes up into the celing to access room 22.

    22) A maze. Openings in the walls were left open to help you see the room dividers. All dividers go to the ceiling.

    23) A small secret room. Walls left off so it can be more clearly seen. Small chest and some bones.

    24) A small enclosed area connecting room 2 and room 7.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Thanks. I'm currently trying to figure out how to make triangle room or more odd shaped rooms. But with the current symbols I can only make jagged edge rooms that might be triangular.
  • I much appreciate your dungeons Jim. I‘m pretty bad in dungeons and cities so it‘s always great to learn how you do it. The ironic thing is, that i bought CC to make cities and dungeons - and found out that I love doing overland maps. Live is strange sometimes.
    Love to see the progress!
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    These are easy to turn out, with some exceptions.

    Room 23 was an after thought. What i had to do was put it together in the blank area just to the right of where it is now. Then drag it over to where it is now. And the secret door part is now on top of the stairs. So I had to very carefully 'Bring to front' just the pats of room 23, including text, chest, bones, walls, and floor pieces. I kept snaging the stairs as well, but finaly got it about the third try. If grouping would have helped, I haven't tried that.

    Another thing I would like to see are stairs symbols that fill in the bits when you have more than one of them. Like the stairs from 3 up to 4. A way to make a smooth stone or cut stone fill under them so it was more a rectangle, or a larger triangle holding up the stairs.

    I am going to have to think a bit on Cave 3 before I get started.

    Oh, and stairs, instead of just saying they are there, for the bit going from the ceiling part back to room 21. There are no back of the stairs symbols. And no mirror doesn't do that. And ... well, some vari-color floors and walls would be good to. I have seen rooms of blue or green tiles that freaks players out... so they would be good symbols as well.

    As long as I'm asking for the moon, no green cheese please, wider and smaller floor and wall pieces would be good.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited December 2017
    Another one of JimP's insipiring dungeons are now in the atlas. Thanks for the submission Jim.

    Cave 2
  • I will be using one of these in a game this weekend. These are the perfect size for a last minute adventure into the depths (of the fourth layer of Hell actually, I'll be changing the water to lava.) :D

    Thanks Jim!
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    You're welcome.

    I can make the next one or so have lava in them.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited December 2017
    Preliminary Cave 3.

    Imagine a large/small lava area at the bottom. Some water comes in... steam heat and steam clouds.

    This one has two entrances. The one on the upper right is reached by a winding tunnel from the mountain side.
  • Lava would be great on some of them. :D
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Big lava pit planned for the bottom area. If there was just someway I could add a lava cascade from one level to another... that would be great.

    I also plan fog across some rooms, Alysa Faden clouds, covered map and one without. Those who download the finished map could just print out a map with the clouds sheet hidden, but new users may not know how to do that.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited December 2017
    Here we go !

    How do you get from room 9 to room 10 ? The secret door in the floor is warmer than the rest of the room. It was blocked off years ago to keep the hot lava gases from the rest of the cave. Opening it up, will let toxic gases well up into the rest of the cave. Walls for rooms will be added in a later update.
  • Wonderful as always! Can't wait to see the fog and etc that you add to it.

    Smaller caves and dungeons are the perfect fill in when I don't have the main adventure quite ready to go, but it's my turn to DM. I will be using these in my game from time to time. Again, thanks Jim!
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Your welcome. I can hurry this up if you need it this weekend.
  • Thanks Jim, but I'm OK for this weekend. I've modified Cave 2 to fit my needs for now but will use Cave 3 once it is finished.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    You're welcome. I'm working on Caves 3 anywho.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    An update on cave 3, with more room/location descriptions.

    The Bleakness, The Churning Mountains, The Desperate Caves, Cave 2.

    Some of the mountains are volcanos, some are extinct.

    Symbols from Annual Issue 66, Issue 111, and Perspectives add-on.

    Caves: are enclosed unless noted in the description. Cave height is 15 feet.

    Rooms: enclosed unless noted in the description. Rooms are 10 to 15 feet high.

    Water: LAva_hot_P3B, perspective bitmap fill.

    Clouds/fog under walkways from the Alysa Faden Annual.

    Several areas and rooms would be an excellent place to put monsters who try and ambush the characters as they explore this cave.

    1) entrance cave, a small rain fed stream goes down into the depths, and flashes into steam as it hits the lava in room 10.

    2) A crumbling cave area, shaky walkway to room 3

    3) A crumbling cave area, shaky walkway to room 6. A ramp down to room 4.

    4) an odd shaped room. 3 cages, a stairway down, a porcullis blocked exit to area 16, and a wood door to room 14.

    5) a small cave with bones and rock debris.

    6) A crumbling cave area, shaky walkway to room 7

    7) A square cave area. The pit is 20 feet deep.

    8) A prmitive stone room. Two bone torch holders, and a bronze torch holder. The bronze one might be bronze over gold. The exit down to room 9 is carved in ancient runes.

    9) A partially carved cave... the walls look like they have been subjected to heat. There is a hidden door in the floor. It is warmer than the rest of the room. Lifting it will require 2 strong characters as it is wedged tightly. Toxic gases might flow upwards when it is opened.

    10) A large room, the lighter color floor areas are weakened by lava under them. The lava pit occaisonally surges up onto a floor area or two. Water from above drips, or flow depending on season, down onto the lava causing great areas of steam to form in some or all of these caves.

    11) A winding tunel arrives into this room from outside. Four burials. Their friends were going to ocme back for them later, they never did.

    12) A small bone covered alcove. It is 40 feet from location 16 to room 12.

    13) This room can be aseen fomr various parts of location 16. The chairs and chest are real. Carved walls only exist where shown. The ceiling is up 15 feet and is solid.

    14) A small guarded treasure. The torch is replaced when needed, but by whom ?

    15) A small cave deteriorated from lava fumes. And yet the barel seems untouched.

    16) A series of rope and wooden plank bridges. The ceiling is solid, but the floor is just fog and steam. A character falling here can go one of several ways, undrawn. Think of a pachinko or pinball game. Some paths lead down into room 10, and some paths stop the character at various distances down the slope. The drop down nito this start of the paths is 25 feet. It is possible for other characters to rescue the fallen from the paths. Careful ! A slip can cause a fallen and roll into room 10.

    17) An ambush area. Monsters or bad guys could be hiding behind the 3 wall pieces in this room.

    18) A small cave. Two closed treasure chests. One is a mimic, it hiccups from time to time. Probably just wants a drink of water. The treasure hord, opened chest, is an illusion.

    19) Another cave entrance; however, it is hidden on the outside by small and medium sized bushes. A search will find the opening.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    The Bleakness, The Churning Mountains, The Desperate Caves, Cave 3.

    A referee should print themselves a map with clouds_two sheet hidden, so they can see more details.

    Some of the mountains are volcanos, some are extinct.

    Symbols from Annual Issue 66, Issue 111, and Perspectives add-on.

    Caves: are enclosed unless noted in the description. Cave height is 15 feet. Room 10 is higher.

    Rooms: enclosed unless noted in the description. Rooms are 10 to 15 feet high.

    Water: LAva_hot_P3B, perspective bitmap fill.

    Clouds/fog under walkways from the Alysa Faden Annual.

    Several areas and rooms would be an excellent place to put monsters who try and ambush the characters as they explore this cave.

    1) entrance cave, a small rain fed stream goes down into the depths, and flashes into steam as it hits the lava in room 10.

    2) A crumbling cave area, shaky walkway to room 3

    3) A crumbling cave area, shaky walkway to room 6. A ramp down to room 4.

    4) an odd shaped room. 3 cages, a stairway down, a porcullis blocked exit to area 16, and a wood door to room 14.

    5) a small cave with bones and rock debris.

    6) A crumbling cave area, shaky walkway to room 7

    7) A square cave area. The pit is 20 feet deep.

    8) A prmitive stone room. Two bone torch holders, and a bronze torch holder. The bronze one might be bronze over gold. The exit down to room 9 is carved in ancient runes.

    9) A partially carved cave... the walls look like they have been subjected to heat. There is a hidden door in the floor. It is warmer than the rest of the room. Lifting it will require 2 strong characters as it is wedged tightly. Toxic gases might flow upwards when it is opened.

    10) A large room, the lighter color floor areas are weakened by lava under them. The lava pit occaisonally surges up onto a floor area or two. Water from above drips, or flow depending on season, down onto the lava causing great areas of steam to form in some or all of these caves. Center area is 30 feet high. Rocks drop into the lava and the stone floor. Characters nearby could get splashed by lava.

    11) A winding tunel arrives into this room from outside. Four burials. Their friends were going to ocme back for them later, they never did.

    12) A small bone covered alcove. It is 40 feet from location 16 to room 12.

    13) This room can be aseen fomr various parts of location 16. The chairs and chest are real. Carved walls only exist where shown. The ceiling is up 15 feet and is solid.

    14) A small guarded treasure. The torch is replaced when needed, but by whom ?

    15) A small cave deteriorated from lava fumes. And yet the barel seems untouched.

    16) A series of rope and wooden plank bridges. The ceiling is solid, but the floor is just fog and steam. A character falling here can go one of several ways, undrawn. Think of a pachinko or pinball game. Some paths lead down into room 10, and some paths stop the character at various distances down the slope. The drop down nito this start of the paths is 25 feet. It is possible for other characters to rescue the fallen from the paths. Careful ! A slip can cause a fallen and roll into room 10.

    17) An ambush area. Monsters or bad guys could be hiding behind the 3 wall pieces in this room.

    18) A small cave. Two closed treasure chests. One is a mimic, it hiccups from time to time. Probably just wants a drink of water. The treasure hord, opened chest, is an illusion. There is a shield on the floor.

    19) Another cave entrance; however, it is hidden on the outside by small and medium sized bushes. A search will find the opening.

    20) a small stream fed cave.

    21) a room with a crate out in the open. Monsters hidden in room 21b. The stone door shimmers. While characters try tob figure out if that is dangerous or not, the monsters will attack.

    21b) A room with monsters. A secret door leads to a lower room.

    22) Rocks across a small stream bed. The water is slow, unless the rain fed stream suddenly gets a large water flow from outside. Then characters can be swept off their feet, to go through enclosed water tunnels, into room 10.

    23) Not drawn, a weapins rack with spare weapons for the bad guys in room 21b. A small box with a few low value coins in it. Dig hard enough, and characters can tunnel down to oom 24.

    24) Some parts improved. A shield and dagger are on the floor.

    25) A dusty room.

    26) A small room leading down form room 18. A gap is between this oom and room 7. A warm air current flows upward, not toxic.

    27) A burial room. The stench of rotting flesh flows around this room. The pit of bones overflows. Two walls left off to provide a clear view. Cracks in the floor could lead to hidden treasure, or a weak spot that will drop a characrter into a water tunnel. The two wood doors in a stone frame used to lead to a small room. Or are the telports ?

    The large open area bottom right and center is due to the water tunnels. Some contain water.

    About to submit.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Another great dungeon by JimP, the 3rd installation in the desperate caves. Thanks for the submission Jim.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    You're welcome.

    I'm contemplating how to do the deserted village in the volcano/cave 1 caldera.
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