Doubts of a newbie

Hello everyone

First of all I ask for an apology for any grammatical error in English, since it is not my native language and I do not master it well.

I just bought the main software and I am amazed with its possibilities, unfortunately I am a newbie in the program and I had some doubts about if possible the following points, that I would be grateful if you helped me find an answer :

1-There are certain symbols that in very special things (for example to floating monolith with a clock) are not in the catalog, so I gave myself the task of creating a paper symbol that suits, as I see in other discussions that some of they create their symbols and give me to understand that they upload them to the software, then I scan it ... and how do I upload it to the software?

2-I have a hand-made map, if I scan it, or use another reference map (for example, one of the middle earth), there is a way to put it in the software as a background to use as a guide when creating the land masses, etc? Is there any tool that works for this? or something similar?

3-And last question, if I create a map and then I see a style in an annual that I like, can I change the style of that map without having to create it again, or some piece? (I do not think you can do everything by question of the symbols, but I'm not the expert)

I appreciate your answers and I will be eternally grateful if you also know a YouTube reference video on how to resolve these points (for reasons of language is easier as see and follow the steps) but with his words would be more than enough


  • Hi Vix! and welcome to the forums and to cc3+!

    If I understand your questions correctly, I can answer a couple of them, then let other, more experienced users to answer the rest.

    From question 1, it sounds like you are looking for a particular symbol that maybe you saw in a sample map? But when you opened your program you don't have the particular symbols. There are a couple of reasons why this could be.
    1- The symbol is part of a program you don't have. For example: if you purchased CC3+ only, you won't have any symbols that come with CD3, or DD3. Even if you did get these other programs, their symbols will not automatically load when you open CC3+. The type of symbols that load depend on the type of map you are making. If you are making an overland map...meaning the map of a world, continent, island or region, only the symbols for CC3+ will load for you to use. If this is the issue, the way to load those symbols is by clicking on the CD3 or DD3 button on your task bar. This opens up the other programs so that those symbols can be accessed.

    2- There could have been a glitch in your installation, and for some reason, some of the symbols didn't install. My suggestion would be to do what we call a repair install. You do that by running the CC3+setup.exe a second time, then checking the 'repair' when the window comes up. But there may be other ways to fix this issue, and I will let someone more experienced to give those options for you to try first.

    3- It could be that the symbol you are looking for is part of an annual that you didn't purchase. Annuals are add on packs that come out roughly each month. You buy a subscription for the annual, and then you get a new add on pack each month... 12 add on packs in all. Now each add on pack is designed for a specific program, CC3+ CD3, DD3. Perspectives, Cosmographer3 , etc. I may be mistaken, but if you don't have the program the add on pack is meant for... then the add on pack won't be useable.

    From question 2 - yes, you can bring in a map that was made outside of CC3+. If I remember correctly (and someone will correct me if I'm wrong), what you need to do, is turn that map into a .png You then need to create a sheet (for example: Trace) You then import that png into CC3+, and put it on the sheet you created. This sheed needs to be down at the bottom or the sheet order. At this point, you can trace the map to create it in CC3+. The essentials guide that comes with CC3+ should explain how to do this.
    As a follow up, yes there are videos on Youtube that tells you how to do a lot of this stuff. Joe Sweeny is one of the best, although there are others. I would suggest going to youtube and do a search : CC3+ How to Videos.

    As to your last question: yes, there is a way to change styles mid map, but I don't know how to do that, so I will let someone else answer that question.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    1. If you make a symbol yourself, make it a .png file, and put it in @Symbols\User\MakeSomeFolderToKeepThingsOrganized (Where @ is your CC3+ data directory). Then use Symbol -> Import png's to import your image as a symbol. This procedure is detailed on page 76 of the CC3+ manual.

    2. As LadieStorm said, you should put it on a separate sheet. The import procedure itself is simply Draw -> Insert file. Note that this will insert a reference to the image on disk, so if you move/delete the image file later, it will show up as a red X in the map.

    3. You can always change a map style, but it is not a one-click procedure, but requires some manual work. But the easiest way is usually to start a new map in the new style, then copy over the entities (such as landmass) using Clipboard copy, and then finally change their style with the Change like draw tool command.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I have scanned hand drawn maps and imported them. Then used that imported to make over 1,000 maps. I have made over three thousand maps using this software. That's over a 10 year period not all at once.

    There is a learning curve but we can help.
  • Thank you very much for your answers, they were very helpful.

    I could find more or less solve my doubts, and if it is a learning curve, every time I use the program I discover how to use a tool, also is good idea taking time to read the manuals, helps a lot.

    Also in case someone enters this topic and has doubts about these points, in the CC3 Essentials manual they explain it on pages 32 to 35 and in the manual of CC3 + on page 92.

    One last doubt, buy the annual 9 (2015) by ancient realms I. but I do not find the symbols that the preview page gives me ( doing something wrong? Where is that tree, broken tower and those mountains?
    What shows me the previous one of ancient realms II ( if they appear to me when elaborating a map, but those of the 1 do not.

    I hope that if someone has that annual explain to me why I do not have them or where they are
  • Monsen, is annual 9 compatible with CC3+ yet?

    Possible answer to your question. Some of the earlier annuals were made for CC3, NOT CC3+. Some of them have been upgraded to CC3+, and all of the annuals made after CC3+ are useable in CC3+. If annual 9 was made before then, it is compatible with CC3. The developers are currently in the process of upgrading the older annuals to make them compatible with CC3+, but it takes a while... after all, they have YEARS of annuals to upgrade, ON TOP of developing new annuals...

    If this is the reason, the answer is to have patience, right now they may not be available, but they will be as soon as the developers can upgrade them.
  • I believe all the annuals are now CC3+ compatible.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Yes, all annuals are CC3+ compatible.

    As for those two symbols, when I look at that image in the gallery, it is labeled as a draft map for the style, i.e. it is not drawn in the style, it's basically just the inspiration for the style, so I assume those two decorations never made it past the draft stage, and never was implemented as symbols.
  • Ohhh it's good to know, I thought I had installed something wrong, thanks :)
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