Anyone else surprised there was only one "dungeonesque" month in Annual 2017?

I am sure we all have our favorite types of maps and ProFantasy does a great job pleasing the people, but I was a little sad that the Mines month was the only subterranean mapping month this year. This is the first year that I didn't buy an annual "post year", so I waited anxiously for the 1st of each month for some new dungeon style but it never came. Am I greedy? :)


  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I'm not certain, but most here seem to onl;y do above gound adventures... since my players hate those, I have made several dungeons. One a massive Dwarf Home that I hope to get 11 levels, maybe more. The smallest level is about 50 rooms. Several levels are in square miles of area.
  • Posted By: dudeslifeI am sure we all have our favorite types of maps and ProFantasy does a great job pleasing the people, but I was a little sad that the Mines month was the only subterranean mapping month this year. This is the first year that I didn't buy an annual "post year", so I waited anxiously for the 1st of each month for some new dungeon style but it never came. Am I greedy? :)
    Different years have different emphases: I'm very much interested in overland regional maps, much less so in dungeon or battle maps, so I imagine I'd find different annuals more useful than you, and vice-versa. Over the years, though, even in an annual that is mostly not aligned with my interests, I find one or two useful gems. I figure it evens out. :)
  • There's also the possibility this may be slightly premature, as there were hints on the ProFantasy blog and in the PDF mapping guide with the CA132 Cthulhu City pack that there could be "a little bonus issue" still to come for 2017 - though there's no guarantee as to what that may contain as yet!
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