PER3 Imported Roof Fills are upside down
🖼️ 34 images Mapmaker
I've been experimenting with different roof fills in PER3 and have noticed that they are upside down. I thought there was a fix to this at some point? I'm running CC3+ version 3.79.
Would PER3 itself have been updated at some point that I may have missed? I may try a new download of it too, especially if I'm the only one seeing this.
As for using different roof fills, it is difficult to say if you are only one or not, as I don't think too many people import new fills beyond what is already available. I can't test myself either right now, since I am currently sitting in a hotel room, away on a conference with work, and discovered I didn't have CC3+ with me at all, so I have only downloaded and installed the basics today.
Once you're back and can confirm the bug I'll email Ralf and let him know. Thanks for your help and input!
I have two PCs - I think I need to start logging when I update which one so that I don't keep confusing myself. LOL
Only two PC's? Count yourself lucky, you don't want to know how many installs I manage (Frankly, among the regular installs, testing and beta testing installs, dev builds, atlas install, tome and manual installs, and other special-purpose installs with their own unique configurations, I've lost count myself). I've even resorted to write my own artwork manager to make sure it is easy to install the same custom artwork to all my (standard) installs.